All posts by Amira Alvarez

The Key Lever To Pull To Fast-Track Your Growth

By Amira Alvarez Wouldn’t you like to achieve your goals faster than you thought was possible? In today’s episode, we’re diving into one of the key levers to pull if you want to make an exponential leap forward in your life and your income generation. This will allow you to get out of…

Wouldn’t you like to achieve your goals faster than you thought was possible? In today’s episode, we’re diving into one of the key levers to pull if you want to make an exponential leap forward in your life and your income generation. This will allow you to get out of the struggle and achieve that consistent cash flow you desire right NOW, not later! Listen in for more!

What To Listen For

  • Before you make any decision in your business, ask yourself this one thing [5:04]
  • How to stop caring what outsiders think of your business goals & dreams [10:19]
  • Your results are inferior to your potential – it’s time to align them [11:51]
  • Upper & lower limits, and how these send a message to your subconscious that keeps you stuck and playing small [18:00]

Check out our YouTube page for the video!


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What If Your Family Doesn’t Get You?

By Amira Alvarez Do you ever feel like you don’t fit in with the rest of your family or that they don’t “get” you? In honor of Thanksgiving, that’s what we’re covering in today’s juicy new episode! Sure, it might be easier just to push away these uncomfortable feelings – maybe you think…

Do you ever feel like you don’t fit in with the rest of your family or that they don’t “get” you? In honor of Thanksgiving, that’s what we’re covering in today’s juicy new episode!

Sure, it might be easier just to push away these uncomfortable feelings – maybe you think it’s not worth the fuss since you don’t see family often… Maybe you want your family dynamics to magically get better overnight, or maybe you say your relationships aren’t all that bad to begin with. But regardless, there’s always room for improvement, and you deserve to ask for more – from yourself and your relationships – even on Thanksgiving!

So I want you to use this experience of Thanksgiving as an opportunity to grow yourself and to step into motion into the woman you want to be. This is all about clarity, being intentional, and acting from the place you want to be, not where you are right now. Listen in for more!

What To Listen For

  • The power of surrounding yourself with people that match your desired mindset [2:57]
  • Learning how to set healthy boundaries with your family [6:28]
  • Success loves speed – how to be a quick decider and an action taker [19:21]
  • How to take 100% personal responsibility for your results so you can take back control of your life. This is the only way to become truly unstoppable! [20:10]

Check out our YouTube page for the video!


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The Link Between Sexual Expression, Love, and Financial Gain

By Amira Alvarez Powered by RedCircle We’re taking a unique look at how desire, the core wound of being unlovable, and business success all intersect. If you’re not in love with what you want to accomplish, you won’t bring it to fruition! You must have a burning desire – it has to be…


Powered by RedCircle

We’re taking a unique look at how desire, the core wound of being unlovable, and business success all intersect. If you’re not in love with what you want to accomplish, you won’t bring it to fruition! You must have a burning desire – it has to be something you want SO badly that you won’t give up, even when there are massive challenges. Listen in to find out how to fall in love with your goal and how it ties back to core wounds!

What To Listen For

  • How I finally unblocked my sexual energy
  • The link between sexual expression, love, and financial gain
  • Relationships that hinder your growth
  • Desire is what pulls you forward… how to turn your burning desire into reality
  • Most people are too scared to go for what they really want—are you one of them?

Related Episodes
Episode 23 – Is Your Relationship Hindering Growth?

Episode 127 – The Relationship Between Sex and Success


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What Have You Been Putting Off Around Goal Achievement? (and Why It Matters)

What Have You Been Putting Off Around Goal Achievement
By Amira Alvarez How as your goal achievement gone? Did you accomplish everything you set out to do this year?  It’s been a wild one, so maybe not. I’m not trying to shame you, promise! The reason I’m asking is that, as we start to gear up for 2021, you’re probably setting some…

How as your goal achievement gone? Did you accomplish everything you set out to do this year? 

It’s been a wild one, so maybe not.

I’m not trying to shame you, promise! The reason I’m asking is that, as we start to gear up for 2021, you’re probably setting some new goals for yourself.

This is the exciting part! You get to think about all you’re going to tackle in 2021!! 

But there’s something just as essential as goal-setting… and that’s acknowledging what’s tripped you up in the past so you can correct it for the future.

The truth is… we all put stuff off (myself included at times!) We’ve all had a goal we’ve set out to achieve, only to find ourselves procrastinating by doing anything and everything else.

Holding yourself accountable to your goal achievement – consistently – is tricky to master.

But even though it takes hard work to maintain accountability, I have some good news. It’s not all your fault.

See, as you start to approach a new level in life and with your goal achievement, your subconscious plays a mind trick on you.

It steps in with all types of distractions, making you see other responsibilities as more important than going after your goal.

But here’s the thing: you don’t have to listen to it.

This is where you can choose how you respond. There are two routes.

Option A: You can focus on what your subconscious is telling you to prioritize. You can go after all these secondary objectives… and put your goal on the backburner.

Your goal won’t be front and center in your mind anymore. Whenever you start to think about it again, you’ll probably feel a tinge of guilt… but your subconscious will eventually come up with (totally legit-sounding) justifications for why you’re concentrating on something else.

Eventually, when things start to calm down with whatever fire you were tending to, you realize: I haven’t made any progress towards my goal in six weeks! (or months, or years!)

Cue the shame spiral.

Yikes. Want to hear Option B?

You can choose not to let your thoughts control you.

You can acknowledge them, and you can even accept that they exist. But you don’t have to act on them.

How you respond to these thoughts is entirely up to you.

This is pivotal. Look at this as a source of power.

Stop Being a Victim of Your Own High Expectations

high expectations
By Amira Alvarez You have high expectations. So you want more. (Me too!) You have big goals for yourself in the coming months and in 2021. You also know that things have got to change for you to meet these high expectations you have. You can’t keep doing the same thing and think…

You have high expectations.

So you want more. (Me too!)

You have big goals for yourself in the coming months and in 2021.

You also know that things have got to change for you to meet these high expectations you have. You can’t keep doing the same thing and think you’re going to get different results. (That’s the definition of insanity.)

And yet… 

Change is not so easy. Building the new habits that create the results you want is not a slam dunk, otherwise you’d just think it and do it, and viola! All done. 

But most people struggle with changing their habits. 

Do you know why?

It’s that your self-image (which lives in your subconscious mind) is not of someone who does what’s required to achieve the goals and dreams… EVEN THOUGH IT’S WHAT YOU WANT CONSCIOUSLY.

What does this look like?

You set a big income goal. Say making $100k or $1,000,000. (Insert your big stretch goal – you have one of those, right?)

You know you have to show up differently… whether that’s raising your visibility, making more connections, doing outreach and sales, or creating a better marketing plan.

But you get distracted…

By the kids…

By the email…

By social media…

By ANYTHING that’s easier.

You do what you know how to do, what’s habitual for you to do, what you’re already successful at doing, instead of building the habit of doing the new, needle moving action… that stretches and changes you.

Even though you know it’s what you need to do and even though you’re committed. 

This is SO FRUSTRATING, especially for the woman who sees herself as someone who gets things done!

Going off track and self-sabotaging starts with your self-image.

It’s time to free yourself from being a victim of your own unmet high expectations. Instead, focus on changing who you know yourself to be–your self-image. This directs your actions and when you change this, doing “all the things” becomes so much easier, almost like magic. 

Want to fast track this and get my proprietary system for achieving your goals faster than you ever thought possible? Then I’d suggest you look into The Spirit of Wealth 2021 program immediately and book a consult for us to discuss. ✨

The universe wants you to live in abundance.

What are you waiting for?

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How to Focus and Finish 2020 STRONG!

How to Focus and Finish 2020 Strong
By Amira Alvarez I don’t know about you, but I’m getting psyched to close this year out strong... but it requires understanding how to focus. 2020 has been a crazy one, and I’d be surprised if it hasn’t put a damper in at least a few of your goals and plans for 2020.…

I don’t know about you, but I’m getting psyched to close this year out strong… but it requires understanding how to focus.

2020 has been a crazy one, and I’d be surprised if it hasn’t put a damper in at least a few of your goals and plans for 2020. Maybe you’ve had to scrap some altogether, but when I review the goals I set at the beginning of the year, I’m pleasantly surprised at all that I’ve accomplished.

My primary love relationship is so much deeper and more intimate.

My team has grown significantly, more than doubling in size, with really fabulous people.

We’re slaying on some very key business objectives that had been put off too long.

Our audience has grown dramatically, and we’ve launched The Unstoppable Woman Podcast and The Morning Mindset Club, both of which I’m madly in love with and super proud of.

My physical health is so much better, my clients are thriving, and financially the company’s doing great.

And yet, because I’m an achiever, I have LOTS of goals… and I’ve definitely not met them all. ;-) 

I didn’t get to accomplish everything I wanted… 

This past weekend, as I was soaking up all the fall feels and the changing weather and starting to get ready for the post-Halloween holidays… I had a realization.

It’s not too late to finish strong.

It’s not too late to slay on some of my other goals… and that goes for you, too.

I’m totally activated on this. When others start writing the year off sometime in November, I go hard (with ease and grace.) I really go for it. I want to finish strong. When you do that, you build your confidence, self-esteem, and self-image as someone who keeps her commitments, persists, and achieves her goals. 

This will propel you forward into an even more successful 2021.

It’s not too late for you to create a massive breakthrough in your business – or your life in general.

Are you ready to give up? Or do you want it badly enough to do what it takes to have your breakthrough?

Will you commit to prioritizing you for the end of 2020 – so you can finish the year out strong?

Are you ready to create the mental, emotional, and financial freedom and finally start living the life you truly desire?