All posts by Amira Alvarez

Just a Few Spots Left to Help Achieve Your 2021 Goals…

Just a Few Spots Left to Help Achieve Your 2021 Goals..
By Amira Alvarez What a year 2020 has been. With everything going on, I’m sure it had a massive impact on you somehow – whether it affected your mindset, your goals, your business, your relationships, your money… or all of the above. But what if I told you that the vast majority of our…

What a year 2020 has been. With everything going on, I’m sure it had a massive impact on you somehow – whether it affected your mindset, your goals, your business, your relationships, your money… or all of the above.

But what if I told you that the vast majority of our clients have been having a kickass 2020?

  • Lindsay Gordon crossed the 6-figure mark!
  • Devon Clement has ALREADY booked $200k in new business for 2021, and the year hasn’t even begun! That’s almost 50% of the business she booked in previous years!!
  • Lauren Wheeler bought TWO businesses and is on track to grow to $10M!
  • Diana Stelin launched a fashion line, got invited to the Venice Biennale (a huge honor!!) and made significant increases in her rates and income as a fine artist!
  • Lauren Griffith had her first $20k month!
  • And Courtney Intersimone launched her coaching business while maintaining massive responsibilities (managing 200+ people) in her corporate position.

Yup – they’ve been enjoying some of their best months ever.

So what do all of these women have in common? (Well, besides the fact that they’re all badass, smart, and amazing…)

They were members of my 2020 Spirit of Wealth program!

And guess what? There’s still room for you in The Spirit of Wealth Mastermind and Masterclass for 2021! There are a few spots left.

If they can do this in 2020, the year of Covid, then imagine what you could do in 2021!

Why does The Spirit of Wealth work so well?

In addition to all the accountability and master level teaching on Universal Law and how to actualize your big ass goals, one of the main reasons is the WOMEN…

When you’re surrounded by women who are ACTIVELY going for more and encouraging each other to have a growth mindset as they work towards HUGE visions and goals, it’s like having an extra set of batteries to get through the day! It’s the wind under your wings!

These are women who are grateful for what they have but desire more for themselves, their businesses, their relationships, and their bank accounts with NO SHAME about it.

It’s a non-judgemental space where you’re really seen for who you are, in both your strength and your vulnerability… where you own your $#!& and are held accountable… and where you’re reminded of WHO YOU ARE–that next level version of you that you sometimes can’t see in the midst of the daily fire drill.

Plus, there is the exponential power to solve problems, tap into opportunities, and level-up rapidly that comes from the collective feedback of the group and direct coaching from me. 

This is the container we’ve created with The Spirit of Wealth Mastermind and Masterclass, where such INCREDIBLE women are supporting one another for a FULL YEAR.

We only have a few spots left.

Is one of them yours?

Click here to learn more!

6 Strategies to the Right Mindset for Navigating Family Triggers

6 Strategies for Navigating Family Triggers with the Right Mindset
By Amira Alvarez How does your family affect your mindset? It’s supposed to be the “most wonderful time of the year,” but let’s be real. Sometimes dealing with your family can be a nightmare. I’m talking about relatives you go most of the year without seeing (and with some of them, maybe it’s…

How does your family affect your mindset? It’s supposed to be the “most wonderful time of the year,” but let’s be real. Sometimes dealing with your family can be a nightmare.

I’m talking about relatives you go most of the year without seeing (and with some of them, maybe it’s for a reason), not your children or your significant other.

Don’t get me wrong; I love my family! But I still found myself completely triggered being with them in the past.

It wasn’t healthy and it wasn’t functional. Sure, they have their flaws some of them more than others ;) but we all do. Myself included.

It’s really not so much about them or their behavior, however ridiculous it might seem at times. It’s really about how I’m showing up… how I’m reacting to these situations.

Triggered reactions are real – and they can bring out the worst in family dynamics. Sometimes they’re warranted, sure. But sometimes they definitely aren’t. And even if it is justified, you might still be voicing your concerns in a less than stellar way.

You might think, “Well, maybe I’m acting out a little bit around family for a few days a year. Big deal! It doesn’t happen that often and I have bigger things to worry about than improving my reaction and my mindset.”

But you’d be wrong here. How you’re showing up in family dynamics affects how you show up everywhere else. And being stuck in a pattern of being triggered limits your mindset in every area of your life… including your business!

So let’s get into some strategies for navigating emotional triggers during the holidays, and really, throughout the whole year!

6 Strategies for Navigating Family Triggers

  1. Drop the justification story. You can, of course, come up with a million excuses and rationalizations for why you’re so irritated and how your behavior is justified. I’m sure your sister really does talk about herself 99% of the time, and you don’t have to deny that. But you must change how you react in these situations and stop blaming the other person.

    When your relative is doing that one thing that drives you crazy, you’ll probably start to feel irritated. But guess what? You probably knew they’d act that way at some point. So what are you really complaining about?

    Complaining might make you feel good, but this has never translated into a powerful outcome of success and growth.

    Step out of the blaming and stop making yourself the victim. This approach will never help you level up.

    Focus on your mindset and what you can do instead. You can’t change them, but you can change you. When you make your reactions all about other people, you give up all your power. Stop that. ;-)

    And stop rationalizing your reactions, and start reacting as the woman you want to be. Who is she and how does she respond?

  2. Practice acceptance. Witness whatever is unfolding and the feeling it provokes in you.You mean… just sit there and do nothing?! To be clear, I’m not saying to let someone walk all over you. What I mean is… 

    Instead of getting lost in a mindset of judgment, resentment, annoyance, or justification… instead of ruminating and making the situation bigger… practice allowing your initial feeling to exist, and stop there. Can you just be with it?

    Reject the storylines that try to work their way into your head and lead you down a rabbit hole of conversations in your head. Acknowledge the feeling as simply a feeling – allow it to be there, not pushing it away and resisting it nor giving it energy by getting involved with the story behind it. Just accept it and allow it to be there.

    However strong it is, your feeling is still temporary. It doesn’t need to be amplified by you getting caught up in all the thoughts that justify it or make it wrong.

    By stepping back like this, you’re reducing the power that these triggers have over you–and building a crucial skill set to calm yourself.

    You may even find that through this practice, you can see situations through a less biased lens. It also gives you an opportunity to choose how to react.

    This practice gives you greater control of your mindset and your actions. If you’re able to consciously calm yourself down and respond in a way you’re proud of here with family, you can do this in all areas of your life, including in your business.

  3. Bring in gratitude. Let’s say you’ve become aware of what’s happening, and you’re sitting with it and not giving in to your triggered reaction. First of all, props to you! It ain’t easy. Now, ask yourself this: 

    What are you grateful for, right now, in this experience? 

    The cynical side of you will probably say, uh, nothing, this sucks. Maybe you’ll instinctively go into blaming mode. “I want her to change. I want him to be different. How could I be grateful? This is totally messed up.”But you have to hold yourself to a higher standard here. What are you grateful for in this experience? Go beyond the gifts, beyond the fact that you get to spend time with your family… dig deeper.

    There’s a deeper level of gratitude that you can drop into. Look at the trigger. What is this calling forward in you? What is it asking of you? How is it asking you to grow?

    Gratitude is a tool for emotional health, spiritual health, and greatness in your life. Use it accordingly!

    If you get really honest here, you’re being asked to grow in a particular way. Be grateful for that. (It helps in your business too!)

  4. Examine your self-image. 

    Our self-image (our identity and who we know ourselves to be) and subconscious programming (the “rules” we learn about how to stay safe, loved, and secure) gets locked in pretty tightly in our formative years. While this lens of understanding helped us when we were young, enabling us to survive in our household and family dynamic, it’s not always so helpful when you’re a full-grown adult… yet it still determines your behavior well into adulthood. It’s the main factor in why some people have massive success and others do just alright or even have really hard lives. 

    You’re a lot older now, so you might think that you’ve grown beyond it. Maybe in some situations you have. But if you’re with the family that surrounded you while it was developing in the first place… trust me; it can come back in a heartbeat.For instance, maybe you’re being asked to help out a lot. In the beginning, it might feel great – you want to help out! You’re doing typical family things, and it’s fun at first. But at a certain point, it gets to be too much, and it can affect your mindset.

    You’re starting to feel micromanaged or like a marionette puppet, who’s having her strings pulled and jumping through hoops.

    But you’re caught in a double bind here. You don’t want to let your dad or your sister down yet you truly want to go and relax, wrap this up, and catch up with the others.

    There’s an internal conflict—you have a belief system that says helping is good, and you’re worthy when you help. That’s WHO you are. Your identity. But what’s the hidden message behind that?

    You’re only worthy when you help out.”

    Do you see how that could really keep you stuck and make you want to act out?

    To break free of this automatic reaction, ask yourself:

    What kind of reaction would the woman I know myself to be (the wiser, more evolved you) have?

    There’s a gap there between how you’re reacting and who you know yourself to be. See that gap and ask yourself…

    What is this experience calling forward in me? How is it asking me to grow?

    Then, go do that! Make the choice to react that way. Be that growth. Be that woman. Be that mindset.

    If you can do this with your family, it will have positive ripple effects in all aspects of your life because the way you’re showing up with your family is spotlighting how you show up in the rest of your life, too – in your business, your relationship, your health. It’s time to clean that up. Reverse the pattern and move up to a higher level!

  5. Temper your expectations. You probably know the exact thing that one relative is going to do that drives you crazy. So why are you surprised when it happens? ;-) 

    Unless you have explicit reasons to believe your relatives have changed, don’t set yourself up for disappointment or anger by expecting something different outside of the norm. 

    Examine your current expectations and ask yourself whether they’re realistic. Let go if the answer is no. (But be careful here – being realistic isn’t the same thing as being pessimistic! Instead of fearing the worst and assuming every little thing will go wrong, use your past experiences to plan for what’s likely to happen.)Yes, it’s safe to expect some things to go wrong. Expect that you’ll be exhausted from the constant social interaction (even if it’s through Zoom… we’re all a bit out of practice, okay?) or that your aunt will ask you invasive questions about your sex life again. Lol!

    Use these expectations to create a plan for how you will respond. You have no control over your family members’ moods or behaviors. But how will you react to nosy Aunt Lisa in a way that’s healthiest for you and your relationship with her? How will you cope with your obligations when you’re exhausted? Will you prioritize self-care and excuse yourself? Will you grin and bear it but feel resentful later? Or is it something in between?

    By thinking of these situations in advance, you’re setting yourself up for a better response in the moment. Although there are many things you can’t control, choose to focus on what you can control – your attitude and your mindset.

  6. Know you’re not alone. It’s so much harder to get past triggers when you assume everyone else is able to easily control their own. This is not true! 

    It took me so long to get the hang of this! Even when I thought I had my approach totally down, I would trip up at family gatherings. 

    Something that I’ve seen really help is being able to talk about your triggers with a group of women that can relate – women going for growth, who want to level-up, and not stay stuck playing out the same patterns again and again. Women who understand, yet also hold you accountable towards achieving your goals and establishing your mindset. Interested in that? Then now’s the time for…

The Spirit of Wealth

Mastermind with women who understand the challenges of quantum leaping and want a successful business and a successful life. Join a community of smart, driven women like you – who will hold you to the higher standards that you deserve.

Free yourself from your own unmet expectation and focus on the needle-moving actions required! This is all about self-image… just like dealing with our triggers. ;-)

If you’re ready to master the mental aspect of success and start making massive progress towards your goals, then look into The Spirit of Wealth 2021 program immediately and book a consultation for us to discuss whether or not it’s the right program for you.

It’s an easy and abundant universe—and it’s at your fingertips.

What are you waiting for?

Click here to learn more.

The Key To Creating More Money When You Want It

By Amira Alvarez This special episode is part of our Morning Mindset Club Series, where we invite you to join me in my morning ritual of studying prosperity and success. We’re kicking this series off by taking you into one of my favorite texts, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.   Our…

This special episode is part of our Morning Mindset Club Series, where we invite you to join me in my morning ritual of studying prosperity and success. We’re kicking this series off by taking you into one of my favorite texts, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.


Our relationship with money is so complicated. There are so many assumptions we make, questions we ask, and rabbit holes we go down when we’re thinking about that pretty green paper. When will it run out? Do I have enough? What should I do with it? But what if we flipped the script… and took control of our attitude towards money? Today we’re talking about how to use your schemas around money to benefit you! Learn how you can use money to motivate you, and you’ll wonder why you never tried it before. We’re also getting into the slippery slope of ambition. How can you hold yourself to a high level of excellence without getting bogged down in the details… without getting lost in perfectionism?

=> Access the complete Mindset program, free of charge, here:

What To Listen For

  • Why don’t we appreciate free things?
  • How to get (and stay!) motivated and ambitious – with zero internal conflict
  • The amazing things that will happen if you cut out an hour of TV a day and do this instead
  • Using money to motivate you
  • How to stop overthinking everything
  • The one weakness for which there’s no cure
  • The law of relativity – how to use it to make you rich
  • Going from ignorant to omniscient
  • The tremendous things that will come into your life when you invest in personal growth programs, online/audio courses, and other trainings you can do from your home
  • Is it too easy to replace you?
  • The law of sacrifice, and how it will affect your bank account in the long run
  • The role that money plays in our lives
  • Getting lost in perfectionism – how it will screw you over… and how to avoid it
  • Sacrificing something so you can step into something more


Bonus Content (34:16)

  • How to salvage your ambition when it’s dwindling
  • Transforming your idea into a reality
  • Never stop studying!
  • The importance of putting yourself in the way of opportunity
  • Radically shift your thinking



 Check out our free resources for listeners 

 Join the Morning Mindset Club

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Stop Choosing What You Don’t Want – Do This Instead

By Amira Alvarez Today’s episode is all about how to reverse negativity and come out on top. How many times have you had a negative experience? Life happens – with 2020 seeming to precipitate more hurdles than usual! – and disappointments are inevitable. But after the initial setback, how you choose to move…

Today’s episode is all about how to reverse negativity and come out on top. How many times have you had a negative experience? Life happens – with 2020 seeming to precipitate more hurdles than usual! – and disappointments are inevitable. But after the initial setback, how you choose to move forward is critical. And yes, this is a choice! When you complain about how your coworkers are slacking off, or that your newly ex-boyfriend gave up on your relationship too easily – you are choosing. That’s not to say don’t feel your feelings– do! Instead of playing into the pain of frustration or exhaustion and wallowing in it, you must choose to change your perspective, and flip the script. Because being reactive and blaming others isn’t going to get you anywhere. Listen up to hear more details on how to hold yourself to a higher standard and expand your growth instead!

What To Listen For

  • The destructive consequences of negative filtering
  • The steps that will turn your breakup into a breakthrough
  • How to reframe any situation & get out of that reactive place
  • Why you must choose in order to grow
  • Are you subconsciously moving towards painful feelings?
  • Working in alignment with the laws of the universe
  • Playing in the pain is slowly (but surely) destroying your progress
  • How your self-image affects your success – and how to change it for the better
  • Breaking free of your conditioned thinking & choices
  • Is the universe for you or against you? Your answer shapes your path to success
  • How to get out of auto-pilot & change your subconscious programming
  • Your results are inferior to your potential – it’s time to align them


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