Overcoming Guilt as an Entrepreneur

By Amira Alvarez

As a female entrepreneur or business owner, have you ever had that moment of guilt, where you think… “Is it okay for me to buy this or pay for this kind of support?”

Overcoming this guilt can take some time, but if you shift your perspective, you can get to the point where you no longer feel the guilt creeping in and your business will grow so much quicker. Listen to this call with my client where we discuss overcoming this entrepreneurial guilt.

In our Coaching Uncut Series, we take you behind the scenes and show you the coaching I do with my clients so you can learn right along with them! All of these coaching calls have been recorded with permission, and the sound quality may vary.

What To Listen For
  • Introduction [0:00]
  • Be more internally driven, rather than externally driven—thinking… “What would they think of me?”) [3:07]
  • This is an indication that you are not in a good place (and how to change it) [6:32]
  • Act differently in the moment, so you don’t feel the guilt [8:52]
  • Wrap-up [11:42]

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