Tag Archives: Success

Here’s what I did (and do!) to move past fear

By Amira Alvarez Fear has a sneaky way of stopping you. Sometimes it’s obvious and looks like plain old fear. You know the kind… The pit in your stomach. The sweaty hands. The shaking voice.But sometimes it shows up casually sabotaging your progress in subtle ways.For me that often looked like that voice…

Fear has a sneaky way of stopping you. Sometimes it’s obvious and looks like plain old fear. You know the kind… The pit in your stomach. The sweaty hands. The shaking voice.

But sometimes it shows up casually sabotaging your progress in subtle ways.

For me that often looked like that voice in my head… 

This is too much to do now.” 
“I don’t have time.”
“I’ll be completely splayed out.
“I just have to do this first.”
“I need to take care of my new client first.”
“I need to onboard my team members first.”

Basically, some version of “I can’t do this” cleverly wrapped up in a reasonable rationale.

Don’t these thoughts seem totally normal? Even reasonable?

But really? They are your subconscious program running the show and keeping you from doing the SCARY thing that you consciously want to do but unconsciously want to avoid. 

Yep, it’s an avoidance technique, plain and simple. And it happens at every level, though it may look slightly different once you get past the 7-figure mark.

It’s productive procrastination. (Side note: Have you listened to the podcast I did on productive procrastination? It’s a fan favorite, so many women nodding their heads to this!)

We’re all super good at it. Myself included.

But in order to get different results, like crossing the 7-figure mark… Or taking your revenue beyond that figure… Or getting your dream house within the year… Or going on a long vacation and leaving your business completely in the hands of your team…

You must move past this pattern that’s running the show and reprogram your subconscious.

Everything you want is on the other side of your automatic programmed responses. You’ve got to do life and do business differently. 

This is exactly what we teach in our Spirit of Wealth Mastermind and Masterclass. We go deep – especially at our in-person retreats. 

Want to be at the next one?

Apply to become part of this community here now.  

No hard sell. We only want the right women in the program. So it’s got to be right for you and you’ve got to be right for us. This is the first step.

Worried you might lose the sale?

By Amira Alvarez Do you remember when you used to be scared of losing the sale? (Maybe you still are???) I do. But it didn’t really look like being scared, at least not on the outside.On the outside I was confident. I was putting the reps in, having the conversations, showing up.But on the…

Do you remember when you used to be scared of losing the sale? (Maybe you still are???) 

I do. But it didn’t really look like being scared, at least not on the outside.

On the outside I was confident. I was putting the reps in, having the conversations, showing up.

But on the inside, I was desperate. I really needed the money. Ever been there? That month when you’re really tight?

I remember those months, thinking… Am I going to make payroll? Were we going to be able to pay the Amex bill? What if I can’t pull it off?

It was a roller coaster. 

It’s kind of the “way of the entrepreneur”–risk taking, going all in, assured that you’re going to make it, but then getting way beyond your comfort level.

It throws you into desperation. 

Now, there’s a shadow side of desperation and, surprisingly, a positive side to desperation. Let me explain…

The shadow side is kind of obvious. When you don’t have enough money, you’re in scarcity, and if you’re not careful, your prospective client feels that energy. This just leads them to go running in the opposite direction and say no to buying from you.

They don’t know why but they just don’t want to buy from someone who’s desperate. Something’s off about you…

So then how could this possibly have a positive side?

Well, when you’re desperate, if you’re able to contain or eliminate your scarcity thinking, you will go harder than you’ve ever gone before. You’ll stretch yourself BEYOND your current capacity and grow to a totally different level.

This stretching, beyond what normally stops you, is definitely what I had to master when I was making my leap from low 6-figures to the 7-figure business.

But it’s not comfortable at all.

Yet, it’s the way the 7-figure entrepreneur thinks and acts, lives and breathes.

I knew I had it in me but I had to move past some significantly huge blocks to actually become that kind of entrepreneur.

This was much harder than just figuring out a marketing funnel or how to hire well, though those things are important. 

It was about completely rewiring my thinking and beliefs about who I was and what I was capable of doing. And this is true whether you’re going for 7-figures or multiple 7-figures.

Once I mastered this methodology for success, well, the sky was the limit both in my life and my business. Never looked back. :)

I’d love to teach you how to master this as well, because there’s a methodology to it that if you get… you can repeat over and over again until you get to break free from limits on the income and impact, and are able to live from your “sky’s the limit” place as well. (Read = no limits on the income, impact, or life you can create.) 

Want to know how? Fill out this application to see if you’re the right fit to join our community of female entrepreneurs.

Freedom is an inside job

By Amira Alvarez Before I successfully built a 7-figure business, I wanted to be free from a LOT of things— financial constraints, toxic relationships, working long hours…the list went on!  I was so stuck in the idea that these limitations were all external and this led to overwhelm, stress, and ultimately, burn out.…

Before I successfully built a 7-figure business, I wanted to be free from a LOT of things financial constraints, toxic relationships, working long hours…the list went on! 

I was so stuck in the idea that these limitations were all external and this led to overwhelm, stress, and ultimately, burn out. I was constantly trying to “fix” all these external things. It was like a constant game of “whack-a-mole.”

So, this made me think “What does it take to actually achieve freedom?” 

Let’s start by defining freedom. Being free could look like choosing your own hours, making your own decisions about who you want to work with, or even buying anything you want without scrimping or a second thought.

It could mean being completely unrestricted when it comes to how you spend your free time or where you choose to live.

It could look like doing whatever you want with whomever you want in this one life of yours.

The limits you’re seeing and feeling may seem external but here’s the thing freedom is an inside job. Most of the time, these constraints are the symptoms of not being free on the inside. 

To achieve freedom, you have to start owning your authority. Really embodying it as a lived experience. This requires a whole different set of beliefs than what most people were brought up with. You have to critically examine your core beliefs about yourself and how the world works. You have to get to the base of it… cut off your blocks to freedom at their root… and get to the cause of why you’re living from a place of limitation rather than freedom. 

Then, once you discover where the issues stem from, you have to actually implement change… and start taking action.

The good news is you don’t have to do all of this alone. 

This is exactly what we do at the Spirit of Wealth, a program where I help leaders, those high-performing women who absolutely know they were made for more, hit both their revenue goals and live a freaking beautiful life… one that is totally FREE! 

Interested in knowing more? Simply email us with a quick YES.

Being the boss doesn’t make you an authority, so what does?

By Amira Alvarez Is your idea of authority rooted in hierarchy, power dynamics, or office politics? It’s time to change that.  Yes, authority is power but it’s not hierarchical. It’s not about being above someone. Authority is energy. It comes from within. It doesn’t take a mic, a stage, or a particular way…

Is your idea of authority rooted in hierarchy, power dynamics, or office politics? It’s time to change that. 

Yes, authority is power but it’s not hierarchical. It’s not about being above someone.

Authority is energy. It comes from within. It doesn’t take a mic, a stage, or a particular way of speaking. Authority can come in the form of quiet power instead of control and dominance. 

Now, your authority doesn’t look like mine nor anybody else’s. 

Let’s say you’re about to negotiate a deal and you take on the persona of your role model to feel more confident. It’s not wrong to be inspired but when you try to be somebody else, you lose the clear transmission of your full and truthful essence. When you lose your essence, you lose your power. You become disconnected from your true self and your true desires, and without that connection, you can’t achieve the success and fulfillment that you want.

Do you— the best version of you. Don’t try to imitate someone else. When you step into your authority, your actions will be more meaningful and impactful. Once you embody your authority, it emanates from every cell of your body. Own your authority and good things will follow.

Only when you learn to embrace, own, and embody it, can you walk into any room, talk to anyone you want, and get what you want from them. 

P.S. What does authority mean to you? I’d love to know!

Does money follow authority?

By Amira Alvarez Becoming UNSTOPPABLE in life and business calls for owning your AUTHORITY. As part of our mission to help high-achieving women claim, and quite frankly create their “MORE” out of life, last week we held a retreat for the women in our Spirit of Wealth Mastermind and it was nothing short of…

Becoming UNSTOPPABLE in life and business calls for owning your AUTHORITY. 

As part of our mission to help high-achieving women claim, and quite frankly create their “MORE” out of life, last week we held a retreat for the women in our Spirit of Wealth Mastermind and it was nothing short of phenomenal!  

I had the honor to work with women who unabashedly want everything (wealth, healthy relationships, work-life balance, and more!)

But like most high-performing women, even with a can-do attitude, at times it seems impossible.

How do we actually create all that we desire?

One of the biggest keys is to own your authority.

Because not only does MONEY follow authority but so does TEAM, IMPACT, INFLUENCE, OUTREACH, LOVE, and so much more… 

Over the course of 3 days, we dove deep into this concept… the breakthroughs were many, the connection was palpable, and the evolution of owning one’s authority was visibly recognizable in all the women.

Want to unlock the power of owning your authority?

Here is one EXCLUSIVE lesson from the Spirit of Wealth retreat. 

Stop getting stuck in the story

“I don’t have time.”
“I don’t deserve this.”
“I’m not good enough.”
“They’re going to find out I’m not as smart as they think I am.”

These are just a few of the stories that creep in when we’re going for more. 

Left unattended, they can sabotage your progress.

In order to avoid that, it takes awareness and I’m not talking about just knowing that the thought exists. You have to dive deeper and ask yourself—  What’s the good in this thought?

For instance, if you keep thinking that you never have enough time, the good thing in this is a recognition that it’s FREEDOM that you desire. 

When you see this and OWN this, you step into your authority. You’re not trying to be someone you’re not. You’re owning your TRUTH.

Then you have to live it… actually give yourself the freedom that you desire. When you do that, you become the author of your own life and you build up and strengthen your creative life force.

As this grows, your ability to create (in all areas of your life) grows. 

What were your takeaways from this recap? I’d love to hear from you so don’t hesitate to email us with your thoughts! 

And if you’d like to learn more about owning your authority and making bank from it, stay tuned!

Need help scaling? Here’s how

By Amira Alvarez You can’t do business without doing the math.  But you don’t have to do it alone.  When you know how to approach the math, it’ll be easy to see the gap between where you are now and where you want to be.  This can be scary at first, something you…

You can’t do business without doing the math. 

But you don’t have to do it alone. 

When you know how to approach the math, it’ll be easy to see the gap between where you are now and where you want to be. 

This can be scary at first, something you don’t really want to look at.

But we want to turn that around and start to LOVE ❤️ looking at the numbers…

And guess what happens when you do that… 

You’ll be able to build the RIGHT plan for YOU. 

And guess what happens when you have the right plan…

You’ll know exactly what it’ll take to scale and close the gap on time between where you are now and where you want to be.

In other words, you’ll see what it will take to actually Quantum Leap your income!

Sounds easy, but l want to talk about what’s at stake here. 

Without the right plan, you’ll be chasing your own tail, unable to get clarity on not only how much you’d like to earn but how exactly to get there. 

For instance, there was a time when I wanted to make loads of money but I struggled with that desire. Did I deserve it? Was it wrong to want it? Did it mean that others were going to get the short end of the stick?  All of that stopped me from executing at the highest level.

I also know what it feels like to wonder why what I’m doing isn’t contributing to my dreams and my purpose. I was working my tail off but not getting ahead. I kept thinking… “Why is it so freaking hard? Why do I keep getting in my own way? When is it going to get better?” This storyline creates so much noise you get stuck in the morass everyday, rather than seamlessly doing what you need to do.

Then there’s the next layer down…even if you have the most powerful spreadsheet on revenue forecasts, but you don’t have the beliefs or the self-image to go with your plans, you won’t execute on them, and you’ll lose your trust in yourself.

And when you lose trust in yourself, you’ll lose a little bit of your self worth.

What happens when you lose your self-worth?

You won’t feel worthy of receiving more money, more easily.

And THAT is a big roadblock to wealth.

So what do you say? Shall we bust that wide open and do things differently?

Simply download The Scale Plan  and get access to a step-by-step guide on how to develop a scalable business plan that will actually work for you. 

It includes a worksheet that asks the right questions, audio training to guide you through everything, and a bonus “Make Love to the Numbers” spreadsheet to help you build the right business plan. 

All totally FREE.

It’s exactly what you need to take things to the next level.

The question is… are you going to act? 
See you on the other side!