Tag Archives: Success

Success Habits That Help You Achieve Your Goals Rapidly

By Amira Alvarez Today’s episode is all about success habits! We’re covering all the steps you need to take so you can create successful habits and finally get out of your own way. We’re getting real about your not-so-healthy habits too – that includes habits you didn’t even know were holding you back!…

Today’s episode is all about success habits! We’re covering all the steps you need to take so you can create successful habits and finally get out of your own way. We’re getting real about your not-so-healthy habits too – that includes habits you didn’t even know were holding you back! You may be self-sabotaging without even realizing it… 😳 listen up so you can replace those sneaky bad habits with effective and healthy ones!

What To Listen For

  • The key to breaking that one awful habit (and how you can replace it with a good one!)
  • How to put yourself in the way of luck through action
  • Optimize your daily routine with habit hacks – so that they stick!
  • Fogging out and getting distracted– what it is, why it happens, and how you can avoid it moving forward
  • The power of stretch goals! And how to set them
  • How do you know if a habit is supportive?
  • The sneaky ways that you’re self-sabotaging without realizing it
  • The most crucial habits of highly successful people


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Unpacking Style, Sex, and Raising your Self-Worth

By Amira Alvarez Today’s episode is all about the psychology of what you wear. We’re diving deeper into our discussion on style! You might be working from home during quarantine, and I know it’s so tempting to just roll out of bed and throw on your comfiest yoga pants. But what if you…

Today’s episode is all about the psychology of what you wear. We’re diving deeper into our discussion on style! You might be working from home during quarantine, and I know it’s so tempting to just roll out of bed and throw on your comfiest yoga pants. But what if you dressed like the woman you want to be? What you choose to wear – and, most importantly, how it makes you feel – will subconsciously affect so much more than you know! Today, I’m joined by Sarah who asks some pointed questions where to explore it all. It’s not just the obvious elements like your confidence that are affected… you’ll see results in your attitude, your productivity, your ability to not sweat the small stuff, and even client acquisition! (I’m serious!) After all, when you spend day after day in frumpy sweats, you start to feel frumpy yourself. Break that pattern and start looking and feeling like the sexy, confident, powerful woman that you are!

What To Listen For

  • Dressing up the brain – how to use fashion to feel empowered
  • Tapping into your sexual energy as a source of creativity and power
  • Invest in YOU! You’ll thank yourself later ;)
  • Aligning your environment with your goal – how it will drastically expedite your journey
  • The outer affects the inner! The power of clothing to change emotions
  • If you feel sexy and attractive, will it actually attract clients too? 🤯
  • The Law of Gender, and how it affects your creativity and ideas
  • How a work-from-home outfit can help you stay productive
  • Is the mess in your home getting in the way of your success?
  • The mental energy that you waste on that one thing you keep procrastinating… and what you can do to reverse the pattern!
  • Tired of always feeling like you don’t have enough time? How to release yourself and reclaim your time


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Style, Sex, and Raising Your Self-Worth

By Amira Alvarez Today’s episode is all about the link between your personal style, your self-image and sense of worth, and how that relates to raising your game in your life and your business. Learn to bring power to your presence and how to raise your success thermostat by improving your self-image. We…

Today’s episode is all about the link between your personal style, your self-image and sense of worth, and how that relates to raising your game in your life and your business. Learn to bring power to your presence and how to raise your success thermostat by improving your self-image. We cover that and so much more in this enlightening episode – I can’t wait to share it all with you!

What To Listen For

  • Dressing for success actually works?! How clothes can influence your performance, thinking, and focus
  • Understanding how your self-image is structured in your formative years – so you can reverse the negative perspectives you’re holding on to
  • Small decisions that will help you level up in a big way
  • How to own all of your desires, so you can finally express yourself in full
  • Creating your own security in the world
  • Be pretty, but not too pretty! Talking back to the confining binaries placed on women
  • The law of polarity & how it applies to your self-image
  • Is your urge to add that shiny new thing to your cart inspired by desire… or some type of fear?
  • The double binds that were keeping me small as I moved into adulthood – and how I pulled them out by their roots
  • Pushing yourself out of your comfort zone
  • How to manipulate your success thermostat so you can continue growing!
  • The idea that women can’t be both sexy & smart – of course it’s ridiculous, but be mindful of this sneaky way it can mess with your mindset anyway…
  • How your parents’ worldviews can impact you well into adulthood – and how to reverse the effects
  • The idea of “role models” may sound corny, but it will help you step into your power!


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Do You Have A Fear Of Success?

By Amira Alvarez We hear a lot of talk about the fear of failure. In fact, it’s a big reason many people never get moving around their business goals, or take the steps to quantum leap their income. But what about fear of success? Fear of getting exactly what we desire? Fear of…

We hear a lot of talk about the fear of failure. In fact, it’s a big reason many people never get moving around their business goals, or take the steps to quantum leap their income.

But what about fear of success?

Fear of getting exactly what we desire?

Fear of “making it big” and having an impact?

Fear of creating the high level of income we want?

Fear of success is a tricky one, because it doesn’t show up as directly as fear of failure. Most people who have a fear of succeeding don’t actually know that’s the driving factor.

It shows up as distraction, procrastination, avoidance. It feels like overwhelm and the belief that we can’t handle what comes along with the success we claim we want… we worry that “we’ll drop the ball, it will be too much work, it will cause more problems,” etc.

It also manifests in physical ways, such as exhaustion and fatigue… (ask me how I know!!)

It’s subconscious and there are MANY subtle ways this shows up. 

There’s also a specific way to figure out if YOU have a fear of success.

You have to start by looking at where you STOP yourself. 

When you start thinking about your big, juicy goal, what happens? 

Do you get tired? Do you feel overwhelmed? Are you resistant to taking the actions you need to take, getting lost in the laundry or other things that aren’t ‘move the needle’ steps?

Or does it show up as procrastination, always doing research and getting ready to get ready?

You have to start by getting HONEST with yourself about your results, and taking a closer look at all the subtle ways you stop yourself from moving forward towards what you want.

When you dig into this, what shows up for you, NAME?

How are you stopping yourself?

And are you ready to get over your fear of success? Really, truly?

If so, email us and let me know what you uncovered and what you’re committing to changing about how you show up. I would love to know and help hold you accountable. :-)



What Does Freedom Mean To You?

By Amira Alvarez Freedom is a HUGE aspect of The Unstoppable Woman movement, because far too many women don’t feel truly free in their lives and businesses. Today I want you to think about what true freedom means to YOU. Is it freedom of time… the ability to do what you want, when…

Freedom is a HUGE aspect of The Unstoppable Woman movement, because far too many women don’t feel truly free in their lives and businesses.

Today I want you to think about what true freedom means to YOU.

Is it freedom of time… the ability to do what you want, when you want?

Is it financial freedom… always buying or investing in what you want and need, without having to worry about the cost and whether or not you can afford it?

Is it freedom of expression… not hiding and saying what you mean?

Is it freedom of creation…  creating what you envision in your life, relationships, health, and business, without feeling confined or restricted by someone or something else?

Is it freedom in your relationships… feeling loved and supported for who you truly are?

Is it freedom from your subconscious programming… no longer being run by outdated fears, double binds, and limiting beliefs that keep you from going for more?

What would it look like to be TRULY FREE in your life and business?

Take a moment to write that vision out in as much detail as possible. 

Go ahead, I’ll wait… ;-)

Once you have a vision of what it would look like, ask yourself this: how much money do you need in order for that to become possible?

Have you thought about it?

This is important because in order to be truly free, you must be financially free. When you think about it, everything in your life has a financial component.

When you’re financially free you’re not beholden to anyone when it comes to the choices you’re making on how you live your life… you’re not constrained in how you show up, what you say, what you do, who you think you need to be to make sure you’re financially secure in the world. 

If you’re not clear on how much you need to make… what a true income breakthrough looks like for you to experience true freedom in your life and business… you will struggle to create it.

You have to CLAIM that money goal first, then create a strategic plan to make it happen. The claiming comes first! Start with that.


What Are You Tolerating?

By Amira Alvarez Tolerations are one way that we continually sabotage our growth and success. Because tolerations keep us small. They keep us in old ways of being, or in relationships and obligations that don’t truly serve us in calling in what we desire. Nothing needs to be tolerated… yet, I’m sure you’ll…

Tolerations are one way that we continually sabotage our growth and success.

Because tolerations keep us small. They keep us in old ways of being, or in relationships and obligations that don’t truly serve us in calling in what we desire.

Nothing needs to be tolerated… yet, I’m sure you’ll find that when you get really honest, you’re actually tolerating a lot.

Are you tolerating…

  • Non-ideal or drama loving clients or team.
  • Not making enough money or not charging enough.
  • Not doing what you really want to do.
  • Not taking action and therefore not growing.
  • Not having the right support you need.
  • Not taking the vacations you want to take.
  • Not enough down time or time for what you love.


Or maybe, for you, it looks like tolerating…

  • Toxic people.
  • Confusion or indecision about what to do next.
  • Paralysis, perfectionism, or procrastination.
  • Invisibility, not putting yourself out there.
  • Anxiety, worry, and doubt.
  • Writer’s block.
  • Overwhelm and burnout.


And in your life, it might look like tolerating…

  • Unsupportive partners or family members.
  • An unsatisfying sex life or hating how your body looks.
  • An uninspiring or ugly home environment.
  • Clothing that’s just meh or bad hair days.


And the list goes on and on. You get the idea. Toleration.

Is that really okay? I’m sure you believe you can make the argument that it is… but I’m arguing that it’s NOT. It’s not okay because it’s time to step into MORE.

It’s time to claim what you want and really go for it.

Choose ONE thing that your are NO LONGER going to tolerate. Today.

Choose one thing. Do it now. Your life will forever be changed.

What’s it going to be?
