Taking Action As An Overwhelmed Business Owner

By Amira Alvarez

You want to take your business up a notch… but are you giving yourself enough time for the vivid visioning and needle-moving action required for this? If you’re not, you won’t succeed. So how do you take action as an overwhelmed business owner?

The truth is, you can achieve your wildest desires for your business and your life… You can have it ALL! You just need the right tools for success. And they’re all waiting for you in this episode! Listen in to learn the tactical steps that will allow you to refocus your vision and scale your business!

I’ve even put together a special free download for you to go along with the audio so you can take action on this knowledge today! Download the worksheet here to follow along!

What To Listen For
  • Intro [0:00]
  • The 4 fundamental steps to creating time for your CEO visioning [9:48]
  • Bonus expert tips on how to maximize this process and make it work for YOU specifically [13:52]
  • How to discover your unique work rhythm so you can thrive! [17:28]

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