All posts by Amira Alvarez

Listening to the guy changed my life

By Amira Alvarez I remember sitting in a seminar, listening to this guy. He said:  “You can make your annual income your monthly income.” This guy ended up being my mentor, but at the time he was just “this guy.” I didn’t really know him or who he was, but he stood up…

I remember sitting in a seminar, listening to this guy. He said: 

“You can make your annual income your monthly income.”

This guy ended up being my mentor, but at the time he was just “this guy.”

I didn’t really know him or who he was, but he stood up there and made this statement with total clarity.

There was no ambiguity or weird double-binds… (when you say one thing and mean another… i.e. you’re lying!)

Then he said… “It’s easier to make a lot of money, than a little money.”

My mind blew open at that point. 

It didn’t make any sense to me logically. But something inside of me told me that it was correct. 

It was his confidence that got me to wake up and lean in. I knew that he had lived this experience.

At the time, this wasn’t my experience at all. I was working my puttootee off. Crazy hours. Lots of stress.

I was enjoying myself when I wasn’t completely exhausted, and making good, but not extraordinary money. ($138k annually)

I wanted to make a lot more so I could have more freedom to do what I wanted. 

At some level I definitely thought I could. But I kept hitting a wall… thinking that if I just worked harder, I’d make more.

But as I sat in the front row and leaned in…

When I heard “this guy” speak, I realized I was living a middle class mindset.

I was believing (and living out) the idea that if I just worked hard enough the money would come. 

At the time, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you why this wasn’t true, but I knew in my bones that it wasn’t. 

But now… having lived it out… having created a multi-million dollar business… I know it through lived experience. 

For one, I’ve many times over made my annual income my monthly income. I also know why it’s easier to make a lot of money than a little money.

And if I did it… so can you. 

Everyone has the potential to make as much money as they want… as consistently as they want…

But not everyone executes on it. Why is that??

The answer: You’ve got to want the freedom more than your fear of failure.

If that’s you, let’s talk. It’s go time! Use this link to book a time for us to talk. 

If that’s you but you’re not quite ready… Keep reading our emails. Keep listening to my teaching on the podcast. They will help you so much.

The Law of Non-Resistance

By Amira Alvarez Some days will be hard. No one is immune.  I’ve had big lows, big fears, big challenges.  I know the hard. And I know the desire to wallow in the struggle. When my clients grieve over their divorce or are in shame over their credit card balance or are terrified…

Some days will be hard.

No one is immune. 

I’ve had big lows, big fears, big challenges. 

I know the hard. And I know the desire to wallow in the struggle.

When my clients grieve over their divorce or are in shame over their credit card balance or are terrified about a health scare (all of which happened this past week for real women, who are really going for it), I know what it feels like. 

I’ve lived it.

I’ve been there, in each of those situations.

Crying face down in my bed between zoom meetings, when the WTF of divorce snuck up on me. 

Staying up late furiously trying to figure out where the money was going to come from just to pay the minimum on the credit cards, while paying my ex alimony. (Yep, when you make more $, you’re the one who makes the payments.)

Terrified and desperate, wondering if I was going to be able to continue my life’s work or whether my health was going to shut me down.

In fact, I had the trifecta of all three of those at the same time. It was a whole lot of hard. 

Yet, I wasn’t going to stop.

I kept running my business, showing up for my clients, showing up for my Team, making sales calls, even upping my standards on my environment and style and keeping up with my marathon training.

There was resistance… I had it ALL THE TIME!  

Sometimes I didn’t want to show up… but I did.
Sometimes I wanted to wallow in it… but I didn’t.

I leaned in.

Above all else, I leaned into the Law of Non-Resistance… even when it was hard.

Here’s a short video to explain a bit about that Law…

The hard taught me what it means to be committed to one’s life and one’s dreams…

What it means to up your game and do more than you ever thought yourself capable of…

What it means to turn the hard into a magical, amazing life.

Because you know what? Between the tears, the grief, the hard, the struggle… I was actually having the time of my life. 

I know that sounds crazy but EVERY DAY I was stepping up to challenges I had never faced before and proving to myself how resilient I was. 

And that feeling of getting to the other side of the hard? Priceless. It’s like freedom.

So if today finds you in the hard, what are you going to do between the tears?
How are you going to show up for yourself? 

Go do it now. Your freedom is worth it. 😘 

And on the other side of the hard is YOUR magical, amazing life.

Cash flow… it all comes back to mom and dad!

By Amira Alvarez Yep, you read that title right. Whether or not you can create consistent cash flow in your business all comes back to mom and dad.  Hear me out... we’re not blaming your parents!! Your ability to call in the kind of prospects, opportunities, clients, and income you desire is directly…

Yep, you read that title right. Whether or not you can create consistent cash flow in your business all comes back to mom and dad. 

Hear me out… we’re not blaming your parents!!

Your ability to call in the kind of prospects, opportunities, clients, and income you desire is directly tied to your money story, double binds, loyalty pacts, and beliefs about yourself, others, and the world. 

This is your subconscious programming around money. It’s essentially, what you believe to be true about yourself, money, how it moves in the world, and what’s possible for you.

This is ALL learned at a very young age.

You see, our subconscious programming… the “rules” we learn about how to stay safe, loved, and secure… gets locked in pretty tightly when we’re young, before the age of 12 (roughly) which is when we begin to fully develop our conscious mind. 

The conscious mind allows us to accept or reject information… but before we have our conscious mind in place, the subconscious is WIDE open.

Which means everything you heard or witnessed around money for those first years of your life in your family, community, culture, and home has shaped your beliefs.

Now, you may have a desire for more $ and you may be busy, seemingly working hard at achieving that goal.

But until you get leverage over your subconscious, you will always find a way to justify not taking the true action that’s required to move the needle. You know what I mean… it’s that task that you’re resisting, putting off, procrastinating doing.  

So my tip for today is to move towards the resistance. Do the very thing that you’re putting off.  

As I write this, I feel that oh so familiar feeling inside that lets me know that I too have fallen into the “resistance trap”. 

Truth! It still happens to me. I know exactly what I’m avoiding doing!!  

But the promise I made long ago to myself and which has helped me close the gap on time on achieving my income (and other) goals… is to move toward the resistance… as quickly as I humanly can.

It doesn’t always feel good. Hello, resistance!

But it does get you past the programming that keeps you small.

So if you want your quantum leap, if you want to prove to yourself that you are extraordinary, sometimes you have to do hard things.

So after I finish this, I’m going to stop justifying why all the other things on my list are more important and I’m going to go do that thing I know I’m resisting and get it done!

Here’s to you “walking the talk” as well. ;-) 

Let me know that you felt the resistance and moved through it. I promise you… the other side feels amazing!

The link between the chatter in your head and success

By Amira Alvarez Hello Unstoppable Friend,Do you have a constant stream of chatter in your mind that’s reminding you of “all the hard” that you’re facing? That internal dialogue might sound something like…“This is so hard” or “I’m so overwhelmed.”“I don’t want to work more hours.”“I wonder if _____ (insert name of significant other)…

Hello Unstoppable Friend,

Do you have a constant stream of chatter in your mind that’s reminding you of “all the hard” that you’re facing? 

That internal dialogue might sound something like…

“This is so hard” or “I’m so overwhelmed.”
“I don’t want to work more hours.”
“I wonder if _____ (insert name of significant other) is going to like me doing this.”
“If I do this are people going to think I’m greedy or just out for the money?”
“What if my business gets so big or I get so busy I can’t take care of my family?”

These examples, and so many others like them, all come directly from our subconscious which long ago got programmed with “rules” to guide how we view and engage with the world. 

This programming, or the lens through which you see the world, is going to make the work of growing your business (and your life) either easier or harder… and make success come quickly or with struggle.

It’s going to color every decision you make and experience you have.

It’s going to color how you approach money and time, two resources most people go into scarcity about. 

It’s going to color your experience of hiring and managing Team, reaching out and connecting with potential clients, offering your product or service for sale, and approaching the systems and processes required to grow.

If you want to understand whether you’ve been programmed for success or struggle, just become aware of that chatter in your head.

What is it actually saying? Once you identify that, ask yourself what that says about your beliefs about what it takes to succeed?

Do this exercise for a week and you’ll have a really good sense of how you’ve been programmed.

For many, this chatter runs rampant, taking up a huge amount of brain space and energy.

It’s actually controlling you, rather than you directing it.

And it’s causing everything you’re seeking to do in your business so much harder. 

Until you identify the programming, you won’t truly understand what blocks you from success and you’ll always wonder why you’re getting in your way.

This has been one of the biggest game changers for me and I hope you actually do the exercise.

Let me know if you do – even a few minutes of awareness can be life (and business) changing. 

The truth is most people will read this and skip over the actual doing of the exercise. Kind of like at the end of the chapter in the book when you just keep reading the next chapter instead of actually working the prompts. I’ve been totally guilty of that as well!  

But let’s do it differently this time. Take two minutes and do this exercise. Even a few minutes will provide tons of information! If you want to take it further and have a bigger breakthrough, feel free to click the link below to book a call.

The daily data dive I do with my Team

By Amira Alvarez Hey Unstoppable Woman! I have a not so secret obsession… I love looking at the DATA in my business… I really truly love it.  I even started a hashtag with my clients: #MakeLoveToTheNumbers In fact, I just finished looking at our metrics spreadsheet and recording a loom for my Team.…

Hey Unstoppable Woman!

I have a not so secret obsession… I love looking at the DATA in my business… I really truly love it. 

I even started a hashtag with my clients: #MakeLoveToTheNumbers

In fact, I just finished looking at our metrics spreadsheet and recording a loom for my Team.

BUT, total honesty here… getting the data can be a huge PITA! For real HUGE!

So I have at times in my business ignored or not focused on the numbers because I felt the lift for getting the data organized was just too much to put on my Team and quite frankly I didn’t want to dig in and set it all up myself. Just real talk here 🙂 

I’m happy to say I’ve moved through that block. Nothing like being in integrity with your principles and your true desires to kick up the energy and momentum.

Today, I want to share an aspect of how I #MakeLoveToTheNumbers that relates to something I shared with you a few weeks ago about the daily huddles I have with our team.  As a part of that daily huddle we are reviewing these 3 data points daily:

  • Overall sales for the month compared to our goal
  • Client retention
  • Everyone’s 1#

So let me explain the last one. 

Everyone on the team has one number they are responsible for. That one number is based on what the most needle moving impact THEY can make in the business. 

Each team member is obviously responsible for many things as part of their job but their 1# helps them focus on the thing that is going to make the BIGGEST IMPACT. 

  • For my marketing manager, her 1# is three sales calls booked a week. Although there’s so many initiatives that we track in marketing, this is the ultimate result that we want from all the work she does.
  • For our social media manager, her 1# is five new opt-ins added to our database a week. Although engagement and increased followers are important, this is the ultimate result that we want from all the work she does. 
  • For our admin, her 1# is a 2hr response time to any enquiries during business hours. Although she does a myriad of other tasks that are important to the business, supporting our community is the most impactful work she does.

And so on down the line for everyone on the Team from Tech Support to Project Management to Sales and so on. I’ve even got my own 1#. With my CEO hat on, mine is profit. 

Think of it this way…

When you laser focus everyone’s attention on their ONE thing and you do this DAILY, you are helping them keep present and focus on all the activities that drive that result.

It prioritizes ACCOUNTABILITY and OWNERSHIP for them and for you. 

Plus, it makes gauging where each team member is ‘winning’ and who needs your support so much easier as well.

So what will your ONE number be? 

And what will each of your Team’s 1#s be?

Please work this concept and then hit reply and let me know how you “made love to the numbers.”

Is this an aphrodisiac in your business too?

By Amira Alvarez I love digging into the numbers in my business. Revenue. Expenses. The P&L. Marketing stats. Project stats. ALL OF IT! 😍It shows me what’s working and what’s not.It gives me the information I need to make great decisions. Some of you will relate and think of course!  Some of you…

I love digging into the numbers in my business. Revenue. Expenses. The P&L. Marketing stats. Project stats. ALL OF IT! 😍

It shows me what’s working and what’s not.

It gives me the information I need to make great decisions.

Some of you will relate and think of course! 

Some of you will think… omg, numbers and metrics makes my mind go numb and my eyes roll into the back of my head.

I get it… 

I now find knowing my numbers super sexy. 

Sexy as in it turns me on and lights me up. 

There’s something magical about knowing exactly where I stand.
There’s knowledge, certainty and yes… accountability, which I now crave, but I didn’t always…

There was a time when I wanted to hide from the numbers because quite frankly I wasn’t living up to my own expectations. 

I didn’t want to look. I didn’t want to see what they had to say. I wanted to run and hide and work on things where I knew I would be successful, where I already had mastery… rather than confronting what the numbers were telling me about my business (and myself.)

Yet the numbers don’t lie. They tell you exactly where you stand in relation to the metric they are set to measure.

For instance, your P&L isn’t there to measure happiness, at least not directly. It measures profit. Could you be happy if you aren’t making the profit you desire? Absolutely, but not necessarily. But most importantly this isn’t what it’s set to measure and sometimes we confuse those things.

It’s also not there to measure your self-worth, or whether you’re smart or a good person.

Yet, often we hide out and don’t want to look at the numbers because we think they will be PROOF that we’re not enough, that we just don’t measure up.

Stop doing that. 🙂

Use the numbers to level up. If you’re ambitious and are game-on with your business, they simply indicate that you’re missing something… a skillset, a level of awareness, a belief, help, commitment, etc. They indicate that it’s time to grow.

And growth is enlivening. It can be an aphrodisiac if you let it. 😉 

Now I know that if I’m ever AVOIDING looking at the numbers, I’m in resistance to growth–to actually becoming the person who does the thing that is required for the next level of success. 

There’s both a big “Ugh!” and a big “Ahhh!” when I become aware of when I’m avoiding looking at some number.  

The “Ugh” is like a face palm… there I go again. The “Ahhh” is a relief, finally I see what’s causing me the frustration and I can do something about it.

I can take action. I can put a new Cause into Effect. I can take responsibility for my outcomes.

I can lean in and do the work.

This is how I use the numbers to live a lit up life.

So for you today…

What numbers do you need to track?
What numbers are you avoiding looking at?
If you looked at them, what would they tell you about yourself and your business?

Remember… “The degree to which a person can grow is in direct proportion to the amount of truth that he can accept about himself without running away.” – Leland Val Van De Wall
