All posts by Amira Alvarez

Break Through Denial: A Manifestation Must

By Amira Alvarez The second step in the Manifestation Matrix, denial, plays a significant role in why many individuals struggle to manifest their desires. It's important to recognize that denial is not something to be feared but an integral part of the manifestation process. In fact, one common obstacle is actually denying the…

The second step in the Manifestation Matrix, denial, plays a significant role in why many individuals struggle to manifest their desires. It’s important to recognize that denial is not something to be feared but an integral part of the manifestation process.

In fact, one common obstacle is actually denying the very existence of denial. 🙄

Many people choose to ignore, avoid, or sidestep it, leading to various delays in their manifestation journey.

The denial phase occurs when you declare your desire, but doubts and questions begin to emerge.

This happens to ALL OF US when we’re really going after something that stretches us, that’s BIG, that we haven’t YET been able to create in our lives.

It’s important to recognize how doubt sneaks into our thinking… even if you want to deny it.

Pay attention to when you have thoughts such as:

– Is it wrong to want that?
– How can I possibly make it happen?
– Is this truly what I desire?
– Is it responsible to pursue this?
– Am I being greedy or self-serving?
– Shouldn’t I be content with what I have?
– I’ll never attain that.
– I’m asking for too much.
– That’s not meant for me.
– And more…

These doubts can undermine your confidence and, if left unaddressed, trap you in the denial phase, leading to frustration and unmet desires.

Now let’s go deeper…

Doubts can manifest in two ways: they can be prominent, causing inner conflict and a noticeable misalignment between your thoughts and your emotions. Or, they can lurk beneath the surface, leaving you with a sense that something is off, even when you believe everything is fine.

This later tendency to “deny the denial” is a common pitfall.

In the realm of business, denying the denial may involve ignoring misgivings about organizational changes, initiatives, or personal presentation. In your personal life, it can mean disregarding uncertainties about how to achieve your aspirations, questioning your worthiness of a better life, or underestimating the time and effort required.

Continuing to ignore these misgivings prevents you from attaining the necessary vibrational frequency for your manifestations to become reality. Remember…to receive what you desire, you must align with its vibrational frequency.

So, how do you transition from the denial phase to a state of receptivity? Here are a few tips:

1. Acknowledge that denial is part of the process. It doesn’t need to be magnified with fear or anxiety, but it shouldn’t become an excuse to remain stuck. Work through it.

2. Calmly investigate the source of dissonance and doubt. Ask yourself where the dissonance is coming from, what its origin is, where you feel off, and what the storyline in your head is indicating. Keep asking questions and listening until you uncover the truth and understand where you’re not aligned.

3. Experiment with shifting your desires in both more general and more specific directions. Pay attention to how each adjustment makes you feel—whether it makes you feel open and expansive or tight and restricted. If it feels neutral, that might not be where you’re in denial. Keep exploring, asking questions, and making adjustments until you move beyond the denial phase and align with the vibrational frequency of your desires.

Remember, acknowledging and overcoming denial is an essential step on your path to successful manifestation of all that you desire and your exquisite life as both a woman and an empire builder.

Embrace the process, stay open to adjustments, and trust in your ability to progress from denial to the FULL manifestation of every one of your wishes fulfilled.

You can do this!

How Answering This ONE Question Will Give You the Confidence Boost You Need | Emily Jaenson

[Image: How Answering This ONE Question Will Give You the Confidence Boost You Need | Emily Jaenson]
By Amira Alvarez [tcb-script async="" defer="" onload="redcircleIframe();" src=""][/tcb-script] Powered by RedCircle Confidence is one of the quintessential traits of an Unstoppable Woman. Without confidence, you can never find the strength and drive you need to pursue your goals and grow your business. But confidence doesn’t always come easily. For most of us, it…

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Confidence is one of the quintessential traits of an Unstoppable Woman.

Without confidence, you can never find the strength and drive you need to pursue your goals and grow your business.

But confidence doesn’t always come easily. For most of us, it takes a lot of work and change from within to be able to learn how to truly believe in ourselves and show that confidence to the world without feeling self-conscious or arrogant.

Someone who knows this better than anyone else is this week’s guest, the amazing Emily Jaenson.

Emily wasn’t always the queen of confidence. When she started out, she was like every single one of us: She had her own doubts and her own insecurities. 

But instead of letting those bring her down, she decided she was going to succeed in spite of them. 


Simply because she knew her “why.”

And so, once she started her career in the sports industry, she started living by one philosophy only: She had to show everyone what she had.

Because it’s not enough to just get a job or start a business or get investors, you have to deliver before you can receive what you deserve – that is how the Law of Compensation works, my friends. 

And to do so, you need all the confidence in the world. 

Today, Emily is a sports executive who specializes in marketing partnerships and management. She is also a renowned speaker, her TED talk on confidence has over two million views.

In this episode, she and I will be discussing her career journey, the importance of confidence in life and in business, her first professional disappointment, how the Law of Compensation helped her grow in her career, the importance of knowing your “why,” and more.

Are you ready?

Let’s dive in.

Key Takeaways:

Introduction (00:00)

Meet Emily (00:50)

How Emily became a sports executive (01:55)

Why Emily chose sports (10:20)

Having the confidence to do the hard things (15:18)

The importance of community (27:02)

Let’s talk about willpower (32:23)

The worthiness to receive (35:42)

The one belief that will help you be more confident (41:41)

The masculine vs the feminine (44:23)

Final questions (51:18)

Additional Resources:

Connect with Emily Jaenson:

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Visit to learn how you can:

➡️ Master the inner and outer game of business

➡️ Step into your full potential 

➡️ Reach tremendous financial success

➡️ Become Unstoppable 

Ready to become Unstoppable? Go to to apply today!

Follow Amira Alvarez:

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If you enjoyed this episode, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform!


The Unstoppable Woman Podcast explores what it takes for women to scale their businesses and their lives, so you can get out of your own way, increase cash flow, and create freedom!

How I didn’t get my manifestation

By Amira Alvarez Despite my mad manifestation skills sometimes I don’t get what I “want.” I put “want” in quotes because often the thing you think you want is not really what you want. It’s not a true desire but a stand-in for it or even a distraction from what you really want. …

Despite my mad manifestation skills sometimes I don’t get what I “want.”

I put “want” in quotes because often the thing you think you want is not really what you want. It’s not a true desire but a stand-in for it or even a distraction from what you really want. 

Let’s call that a “should want.”

It’s something you think you should want but it really isn’t that important to you.

Yet often you only realize that later, after the fact, once you’ve had the lived experience and can triangulate the information.

Case in point, my recent experience with the builders of my house.

Here’s the story…

I love my house but I am moving to CA. The house is only 2 years old so it only takes some minor staging, a touch-up of paint, and a bit of landscaping to really make it shine. 

In preparing the house for sale, my agent suggests going back to the builders to get them to pay for landscaping to help with some erosion that’s occurred in the backyard.

Unlike my desire to sell and move, I’m hesitant about this. I hem and haw for a bit but my real estate agent thought it was worth asking.

When framed that way, I was like… “Okay, it’s worth asking. It can’t hurt to ask.” 

I wasn’t just deferring to him. I’m always open to input and this seemed like the logical thing to do. Plus, I figured the hesitation I felt was simply my conditioning to avoid conflict. 

So even though I wasn’t in my full ‘yes,’ I made the conscious decision to go forward. 

But then my agent took longer to get in touch with the builder and I got frustrated. 

I was irritated.
I started going into resentment.  

I focused my energy on “why aren’t you getting this done?!”and everything started to feel hard, like swimming upstream. 

This was a sign to let it go… But I didn’t. (Owning that.)

I persisted. 

I put more time and effort into it and ultimately sent an email to the builder. 

I got a definitive response. 


Along with all the legal reasons why the no was a no.

Ugh! I really don’t like not getting what I want. 

I could feel the pull to go back in, fight harder for what I wanted, defend the rationale that we put forth, prove that we were right… BUT NO, this time I wasn’t going to go there.


This was conflict energy and this was not going to help me get what I wanted. 


But here’s the rub…


Getting the builders to pay for this wasn’t what was really important to me. 


Moving, and getting the amount that I wanted for my house, was important to me. That’s what I truly wanted!

Asking the builders to pay for something was a “should want,” not a true want.

It was never meant to manifest because manifestations happen for TRUE desires, not SHOULD desires. 

They also come with ease and grace, not conflict energy.* 

And these two concepts lead us to this… we never get “should wants”… at least not easily. 

That’s not how manifestation works.

Now I’ve been at this for years…

I know this stuff…

Shouldn’t I have known better and acted differently?  

Yes, yes, yes!  

I point this out because instead of recrimination, I appreciated my ability to let go and course-correct. And this is key. 

No making myself wrong, because the make-wrong never makes it right. 

And with those two simple choices… letting go of the need to be right and choosing to appreciate that decision… 

I got back on track to manifesting my exquisite life. 

I hope this helps you manifest yours as well. 

*This is not to say avoid conflict or avoid asking for what you want. There are many times when this is required, like when I sent Tony Robbins a Cease and Desist Letter and they immediately changed course. The key is don’t do it with conflict energy. Your ‘come from’ needs to be clean. More on that in another newsletter.

What It Takes to Keep Growing as an Unstoppable Woman

[Image: What It Takes to Keep Growing as an Unstoppable Woman]
By Amira Alvarez [tcb-script async="" defer="" onload="redcircleIframe();" src=""][/tcb-script] Powered by RedCircle Ladies, I have a question for you: What does it take to keep growing and stay at the top of your game as an Unstoppable Woman? If you’re not sure what the answer of this question is, then this episode is a…

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Ladies, I have a question for you: What does it take to keep growing and stay at the top of your game as an Unstoppable Woman?

If you’re not sure what the answer of this question is, then this episode is a must-listen for you!

If you always find yourself in an incessant struggle to grow and if you feel like you can never find that exquisite life and that sense of delight and ease and flow that you’re craving, then you’ve come to the right place.


Simply because today, I share with you how you can keep growing into the person you know you are deep down; that beautiful, happy, Unstoppable person who is just waiting for you to release her.

The journey won’t be easy, but it will be worth it.

So, if you’re ready to step into more and truly create something greater for yourself, then make sure to listen till the very end.

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I did.

Let’s dive in, shall we?

Key Takeaways:

Introduction (00:00)

Do you crave more? (00:44)

Let’s start with a story (03:13)

Ease is a greater threat to progress than hardship is (08:44)

A new way to motivate yourself (15:24)

Is complaining making it harder for you? (19:37)

Find the high five! (22:03)

Additional Resources:

Watch Denzel Washington's speech:

Visit to learn how you can:

➡️ Master the inner and outer game of business

➡️ Step into your full potential 

➡️ Reach tremendous financial success

➡️ Become Unstoppable 

Ready to become Unstoppable? Go to to apply today!

Follow Amira Alvarez:

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If you enjoyed this episode, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform!


The Unstoppable Woman Podcast explores what it takes for women to scale their businesses and their lives, so you can get out of your own way, increase cash flow, and create freedom!

The cocktail of business and emotions

By Amira Alvarez Sometimes our feelings are overwhelming. They come on strong and knock you to your knees. From clients to friends, this week I saw such bright, formidable women in tears. These are women running exceptional businesses–they are strong, ambitious, juggling all the things. And yet when the feelings come, they can’t…

Sometimes our feelings are overwhelming. They come on strong and knock you to your knees.

From clients to friends, this week I saw such bright, formidable women in tears.

These are women running exceptional businesses–they are strong, ambitious, juggling all the things.

And yet when the feelings come, they can’t be suppressed… even if that would be much more convenient.

Sure, we can set them aside or compartmentalize for a period.

I know I have. 

And yet if you don’t attend to them, that’s when all hell breaks loose. 

Rash decisions, meltdowns, losing your temper.

Or the inability to make decisions, a ‘what’s the point’ attitude, or full-blown depression.

It can get ugly. It can be a spiral of negativity.

Because your feelings will have their say, one way or another. 

They will absolutely do whatever is necessary to get your attention.

Because they need your attention. There is something important that they have for you.

Think about it… why would we have feelings if they didn’t serve an important purpose?

Nothing is random. We don’t live in a random universe. 

So despite them coming up at inconvenient times, they are not the enemy.

So how do you deal with your feelings when you’re running a major business and it’s just not the time for a major meltdown?

That’s a really good question. Today I’d like to share ONE of the things I do. 

It’s a process that once you get good at, takes all of 2 minutes. Sometimes it’s even shorter than that.

I taught it to the women in the Spirit of Wealth this past week, taking them through an in real time, actual lived experience of using this. 

I love these moments because theoretical book-learning only takes us so far. We actually learn on the field of play. That’s where it gets deeply embedded and rewired for us.

Here’s a brief recap of what I shared with them…

If you’re all good right now, listen anyway. You’ll have it for when you need it.

If there’s a feeling that’s pulling at you, needing attention, please use this process now. Maybe a few times. 

It’s a practice that starts now. 

This Entrepreneur Is Taking Over Commercial Real Estate One Medical Office at a Time | Trisha Talbot

[Image: This Entrepreneur Is Taking Over Commercial Real Estate One Medical Office at a Time | Trisha Talbot]
By Amira Alvarez [tcb-script async="" defer="" onload="redcircleIframe();" src=""][/tcb-script] If asked to pinpoint a single secret to success or to define the main trait of an Unstoppable Woman, many would likely agree: It's never giving up and not letting any obstacle stop you. It's about facing every challenge head-on, be it a business setback,…

If asked to pinpoint a single secret to success or to define the main trait of an Unstoppable Woman, many would likely agree: It's never giving up and not letting any obstacle stop you.

It's about facing every challenge head-on, be it a business setback, relationship issues, divorce, raising children, or navigating a male-dominated industry. There is no roadblock or wall that should make you quit.

And today, my guest embodies this spirit like no other.

Friends, I want you to meet an incredible woman – the brilliant Trisha Talbot. She is an amazing human being, a shrewd entrepreneur, and she is truly Unstoppable.

Every endeavor she embarks on turns to gold. From her early days as a prospective ballerina, she realized that her personal freedom was her top priority. Hence why she ventured into commercial real estate, ensuring her financial independence.

After a few years of working for others, she realized that true freedom came with entrepreneurship. That’s when she took the plunge to start her venture.

Trisha is now the managing principal at DOCPROPERTIES, a healthcare real estate investment, and advisory firm that serves entrepreneurial clinicians and investors in the property sector to achieve cash flow and profitability goals.

Beyond her professional life, Trisha gracefully manages her roles as a wife and a mother of two.

What’s her secret sauce?

More than just resilience, Trisha has learned to harmoniously balance her masculine and feminine energies. This balance equips her to navigate the myriad challenges in both her business and daily life. In our conversation, Trisha unveils pivotal lessons from her journey of growth and triumph.

Dive in as Trisha shares invaluable insights, talking about her commercial real estate experience, her entrepreneurship journey, and her personal growth. 

Are you ready?

Let’s dive in.

Key Takeaways:

Introduction (00:00)

Meet Trisha (00:46)

Residential real estate vs. commercial real estate (04:05)

Transitioning into a new role (05:51)

Trisha’s most difficult experience (08:50)

Integrating the masculine with the feminine (12:49)

Trisha’s unique challenge (15:55)

The importance of learning from your failures (22:25)

Why your sense of self is the most important thing (30:43)

One final question (44:38)

Additional Resources:

Connect with Trisha Talbot:

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Visit to learn how you can:

➡️ Master the inner and outer game of business

➡️ Step into your full potential 

➡️ Reach tremendous financial success

➡️ Become Unstoppable 

Ready to become Unstoppable? Go to to apply today!

Follow Amira Alvarez:

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If you enjoyed this episode, please follow, rate, and leave a review on your favorite podcast platform!


The Unstoppable Woman Podcast explores what it takes for women to scale their businesses and their lives, so you can get out of your own way, increase cash flow, and create freedom!