Tag Archives: Growth

The link between the chatter in your head and success

By Amira Alvarez Hello Unstoppable Friend,Do you have a constant stream of chatter in your mind that’s reminding you of “all the hard” that you’re facing? That internal dialogue might sound something like…“This is so hard” or “I’m so overwhelmed.”“I don’t want to work more hours.”“I wonder if _____ (insert name of significant other)…

Hello Unstoppable Friend,

Do you have a constant stream of chatter in your mind that’s reminding you of “all the hard” that you’re facing? 

That internal dialogue might sound something like…

“This is so hard” or “I’m so overwhelmed.”
“I don’t want to work more hours.”
“I wonder if _____ (insert name of significant other) is going to like me doing this.”
“If I do this are people going to think I’m greedy or just out for the money?”
“What if my business gets so big or I get so busy I can’t take care of my family?”

These examples, and so many others like them, all come directly from our subconscious which long ago got programmed with “rules” to guide how we view and engage with the world. 

This programming, or the lens through which you see the world, is going to make the work of growing your business (and your life) either easier or harder… and make success come quickly or with struggle.

It’s going to color every decision you make and experience you have.

It’s going to color how you approach money and time, two resources most people go into scarcity about. 

It’s going to color your experience of hiring and managing Team, reaching out and connecting with potential clients, offering your product or service for sale, and approaching the systems and processes required to grow.

If you want to understand whether you’ve been programmed for success or struggle, just become aware of that chatter in your head.

What is it actually saying? Once you identify that, ask yourself what that says about your beliefs about what it takes to succeed?

Do this exercise for a week and you’ll have a really good sense of how you’ve been programmed.

For many, this chatter runs rampant, taking up a huge amount of brain space and energy.

It’s actually controlling you, rather than you directing it.

And it’s causing everything you’re seeking to do in your business so much harder. 

Until you identify the programming, you won’t truly understand what blocks you from success and you’ll always wonder why you’re getting in your way.

This has been one of the biggest game changers for me and I hope you actually do the exercise.

Let me know if you do – even a few minutes of awareness can be life (and business) changing. 

The truth is most people will read this and skip over the actual doing of the exercise. Kind of like at the end of the chapter in the book when you just keep reading the next chapter instead of actually working the prompts. I’ve been totally guilty of that as well!  

But let’s do it differently this time. Take two minutes and do this exercise. Even a few minutes will provide tons of information! If you want to take it further and have a bigger breakthrough, feel free to click the link below to book a call.

When You Can’t Seem To Make It Work

By Amira Alvarez “Arrrrgh, why can’t I make this work?!” This is what I exclaimed to myself in frustration back when I was still in the ‘grind it out’ mode of growing my business. I had grown my income significantly, but how I was working my business wasn’t sustainable. This is an important…

“Arrrrgh, why can’t I make this work?!”

This is what I exclaimed to myself in frustration back when I was still in the ‘grind it out’ mode of growing my business. I had grown my income significantly, but how I was working my business wasn’t sustainable.

This is an important first step acknowledging when what we’re doing isn’t sustainable.

Have you felt this frustration?

Maybe it’s around the number of hours you have to work (for entrepreneurs this tends to be more than a full-time job)… 

Maybe it’s that you don’t have time for the people and things you love… 

Maybe it’s that you’re grinding it out, but still don’t have the income you desire and you know you can’t just 10x your work hours to get there. What gives!?

Whatever it is, you’re ready to learn some new rules to business and figure out how to make it work… specifically, how to hit six or seven figures in your business, WITHOUT overwhelm or burnout.

The first step?  Focus.

What is ONE THING—one big, important thing—that will move the needle in your business?

Do you know? If not, start by reverse engineering from your goal.

Want to make more money? You need to focus on mastering sales and outreach.

Want to grow without hitting up against those same upper limits or limiting beliefs? You need to focus on your mindset and releasing the ‘double binds’ that keep you stuck.

Want to move a specific project forward? You need a strategic plan.

What’s your one thing? And how will you focus on that one thing going forward?



A Look At My Evolution (It’s Pretty Wild!!)

By Amira Alvarez Just last week I reopened access to my flagship program, which I haven’t offered in some time. Because it was a relatively last-minute decision (and since I practice what I preach and take FAST action on Spirit-led guidance), I had to use the old sales page. The BEST part about…

Just last week I reopened access to my flagship program, which I haven’t offered in some time. Because it was a relatively last-minute decision (and since I practice what I preach and take FAST action on Spirit-led guidance), I had to use the old sales page.

The BEST part about this old sales page?


They’re great photos. Professionally shot… a variety of great poses… all in my brand colors… but when I look at those images I can’t help but wonder, who is that woman?!

Then yesterday my marketing person and I logged into the membership dashboard to review some program content… and she immediately exclaimed, “it’s like a snapshot of your evolution!”

Wild! :-)

Each photo is an authentic representation of who I was at the time… and yet, I hardly recognize myself in some of those older photos.

Why? Because I’ve evolved.

Evolution is a necessary and essential part of life, especially with business.

If you’re not growing, you’re dying. That’s a Universal truth.

But you can’t continually grow if you’re not tuned into Spirit and able to open and receive guidance. You can’t evolve if you’re not willing to sacrifice old, outdated, lower vibration aspects of yourself, your work, your relationships, and your life in order to call in something greater. Something more aligned with who you’re becoming as you expand.

I’ve grown immensely in just the last couple of years alone.

I’ve grown my business, team, revenue, and client base tremendously. I’ve expanded my reach and impact as I begin to get on stages and get my message in front of more people. I’ve upleveled my relationships, lifestyle, home, health, and wardrobe.

All because I stay open and receptive to those Spirit-led nudges.

And more so because I take action on that guidance quickly.

Even if it means blasting out an old sales pages with photos of myself I don’t even recognize. ;-)

I’m the same person BUT I’ve evolved.

So today I want you to ask yourself, how deeply do you desire to grow and evolve, and in what ways specifically? Then take a moment to tune in and open so that you can receive guidance around what’s next in order to make that happen.

Most importantly… act QUICKLY.

Right when you receive it, however you can. Don’t put it off.

Keep taking clear, focused, Spirit-led actions so that you can keep evolving too.


THIS Will Get You Consistent Results

By Amira Alvarez Do you feel like you’re not getting what you want? And instead, you’re getting things like frustration… tension… inconsistent results? Do you feel like you’re constantly sabotaging yourself and your success… somehow getting in the way despite your best intentions? Do you wish there was a way to hold yourself…

Do you feel like you’re not getting what you want?

And instead, you’re getting things like frustration… tension… inconsistent results?

Do you feel like you’re constantly sabotaging yourself and your success… somehow getting in the way despite your best intentions?

Do you wish there was a way to hold yourself accountable, so you can finally call in EVERYTHING that you desire… right now, not someday?

There is a way… but it’s not always what most like to hear.

It’s metrics. Numbers. Tracking. Spreadsheets.

(Try to stay with me on this, it’s worth it!)

I know many smart, successful, powerhouse women who shy away from the numbers. They ‘aren’t good with numbers’ or ‘don’t like spreadsheets’. Or, they’ve delegated that portion of the work to someone else, and they ‘keep apprised’ but don’t really own it.

???? this ???? has ???? to ???? stop ????

  • You have to pay attention to the numbers, because the numbers don’t lie.
  • They are what hold you accountable.
  • They show you exactly what is and is not working.
  • They give you insight into what you need to do next.
  • Metrics matter.

I know this may not be your favorite thing, but it needs to be. You need to shift your mindset on this. You need to fall in love with the numbers, and you need to do it NOW to start experiencing the results and success that you want.

Talk soon…



Why You Need To Be Quiet To Grow

By Amira Alvarez In our attempts to be helpful, solve problems, shine, and grow our business quickly, we often forget to get quiet and listen. This can be true even for people who have a regular meditation or presencing practice.    A big teaching point from one of my recent retreats was the…

In our attempts to be helpful, solve problems, shine, and grow our business quickly, we often forget to get quiet and listen. This can be true even for people who have a regular meditation or presencing practice.   

A big teaching point from one of my recent retreats was the reminder to folks to “shut up and listen.”

That phrasing may sound harsh, yet it was done intentionally to snap the attendees (and now you) out of what I call: the complicity of assumption.

  • The assumption what know what people think and feel.
  • The assumption that we know what their problems are.
  • The assumption that we know what they’re going to say.
  • The assumption that we know what’s important to them and what they want.

This is projection.

Truly listening and hearing others isn’t just important… it’s essential… and as a culture, we’re not great at it. We make a lot of assumptions and this doesn’t allow us to truly show up in service to our fellow human beings… whatever our business may be.

Instead of really hearing someone else’s words, we’re busy formulating our own thoughts and responses… we’re half-heartedly nodding and saying “mmhmm” as others share what’s going on for them just waiting to respond… we might even be multitasking and checking our email while on the phone…

We’re so used to keeping ourselves in motion… moving, doing, making, checking, being one step ahead… that we don’t really get still, be quiet and plug in, and truly pay attention to the TRUTH of what’s being shared.

There’s huge truth available when we really get curious, listen, and don’t project.

Now’s the time to ask yourself, where are all the places in your business where you need to increase your capacity to get still, be quiet, and really listen?

Look to increase your capacity to…

  • Be quiet and listen to your clients.
  • Be quiet and listen to your prospects.
  • Be quiet and listen to your team.
  • Be quiet and listen to your partners.
  • Be quiet and listen to your coach or mentor.
  • Be quiet and listen to your colleagues.
  • Be quiet and listen to yourself.

And most importantly… look to increase your capacity to…

Be quiet and listen to Source.

Scaling your business quickly and with ease… growing a team… implementing new systems… crafting better packages… choosing the right clients and collaborations… it all requires you plugging into Source to KNOW what your next step is for your vision and your business.

This knowing doesn’t come from the assumptions of an overactive mind.

It comes from getting quiet and listening. This is how you grow your business with ease and grace.

Listen to the wisdom, guidance, downloads, and inner nudges that are always available to you and then take action on this Spirit-led guidance. When you do… you’ll be pleasantly surprised by how fast you will grow!


What’s Actually Hard About Taking The Next Step…

By Amira Alvarez The outer game actions are the easiest part of growing your business. I know, I know... You might be thinking… “But Amira, it’s not so easy… I can’t find the right people, I don’t know where to look, they’re not out there. Or, I don’t even know the right systems…

The outer game actions are the easiest part of growing your business.

I know, I know… You might be thinking… “But Amira, it’s not so easy… I can’t find the right people, I don’t know where to look, they’re not out there. Or, I don’t even know the right systems to put in place and changing my packaging seems totally and completely daunting—what’s this ‘easy part’ you speak of?!”

Here’s how it works… the actions themselves are very clear and simple.

Need more support? You hire team. To hire team you take certain actions steps such as looking at your budget, writing an ad, interviewing, onboarding, etc.

Need things streamlined? You build systems. To do that you identify where the tension and breakdown is happening, figure out the best tool or solution, build out a process, test, etc.

Need to make more money without working more hours? You change your packaging. To rework your packages you raise your prices, bundle products and services, move to value based vs hourly, understand your client’s hopes and fears, rework your positioning, change your marketing, etc.

The how is not complicated.

What’s HARD are the fears, blocks, and beliefs that crop up throughout the process that cause confusion.

For instance, it’s not hard to hire team… it’s hard to believe you’re worthy of expert level support. It’s hard to believe that the perfect person is here for you right now.

It’s not hard to build out systems… it’s hard to trust yourself enough to let go of having your hands in every little thing, so that things can be streamlined.

It’s not hard to change your packaging… it’s hard to believe in the value of your products and services, as well as the impact you have on others… when you’ve been taught to not talk big or take up too much space.

All these pieces I’ve been talking to you about… leveraging, scaling, growing, and exponentially increasing your income… it causes a lot of resistance and agitation in many business owners.

I see people writing off how easy it can be and by saying things like… it’ll work for her because she’s further along, better suited to xyz, or is pdq industry.

They don’t want to have this conversation. NOT because hiring, packaging, and building systems themselves are challenging… but because it means they have to face into the fears, blocks, and beliefs that have been keeping them small… keeping them “safe.”

But if you’re the type of who wants to have a thriving business, you have face these things.

What’s the fear, block, or belief that’s getting in your way?

I know there’s something there otherwise you’d have the big results you want.

Just this morning I had to ask myself the same question… why am I feeling stalled, stuck, unclear? What’s the belief or story? Is there fear? What’s missing for me to be able to move forward? I faced this head on and answered it so I could move forward quickly.

No matter how much you grow… how deeply you do this work… you will continue to bump up against fears, blocks, and beliefs. It doesn’t stop. Where there’s growth, there’s tension… and you’ve got to be willing to step into it to resolve it and make it easier… if you want to continue to grow.

Be willing to face into what might be there, just below the surface. Be willing to shine some light where it’s most needed and get the CLARITY necessary to move forward.
