Tag Archives: Growth

Heal Mindsets, Grow Income, and Increase Ease

By Amira Alvarez Earlier this week I was on The Savvy Spirit podcast with Sharon Mar and I’m so excited to share it with you.  We talked about three of my favorite things… how to heal your mindset, grow your income, and increase ease in your life and work. Click below to listen…

Earlier this week I was on The Savvy Spirit podcast with Sharon Mar and I’m so excited to share it with you.  We talked about three of my favorite things… how to heal your mindset, grow your income, and increase ease in your life and work.

Click below to listen now:


The Big Wobble: WHY you’re experiencing it and what to do about it

By Amira Alvarez When you’re growing your business, there’s going to be times of uncertainty. Is it going to work??? Let’s say you raise your prices, go to speak on bigger stages, hire more team, or take whatever YOUR BIG STEPS are that raise you into a whole new level of serving… You…

When you’re growing your business, there’s going to be times of uncertainty. Is it going to work???

Let’s say you raise your prices, go to speak on bigger stages, hire more team, or take whatever YOUR BIG STEPS are that raise you into a whole new level of serving…

You don’t know if it’s going to work. There is uncertainty… and this, my friend, leads to THE WOBBLE.

That’s the feeling of not knowing and the discomfort around it.

This is because it’s new and uncertain terrain.

You’re growing, which means you’ve likely never been in this place before.

  • Of course there’s tension.
  • Of course you feel uncertain.
  • Of course it brings up doubts.
  • Of course you feel fear.

Yet, in this tension is a point of choice.

We can choose to play a safer and smaller game, taking smaller steps and doing the things that are familiar. OR, we can continue taking BIG growth steps that move the needle forward and make a quantum leap in our business.

In order to make a true quantum leap, we have to understand that tension is a normal part of the growth process. It will always be there. It’s, by definition, what it feels like to grow—what our cells feel like when they’re changing and our brain evolving as we form new neural pathways.

The more comfortable we get holding that expansion without imploding, the easier it becomes.

Watch the short video I recorded for you on “the wobble” and the tension that comes with growth below:

Do you know how to grow through the tension? Do you know what the gap is between where you are now and where you want to be?

I ask because most people don’t.

Most people have a sense that they need to do something or that something is missing or misaligned… because it feels like they are struggling too much… and chances are you are struggling too much if you’re feeling that way. Makes sense, right?

Yet, there’s no need to feel the struggle.

There may be tension in the growth, but there doesn’t need to be a struggle.

You can choose to continue spinning your wheels and feeling frustrated by your lack of growth and ease, or you can choose to finally get out of the struggle and master The Art of Leverage.

You know which option I’d choose. ;-)


Does Energetic Work Get Easier?

By Amira Alvarez Have you ever said to yourself, "Please tell me that this inner energetic work gets easier so I can just get on with making bank from all my brilliant ideas"? Yes? I used to say that too. I was committed to my personal growth and doing what it took to…

Have you ever said to yourself, “Please tell me that this inner energetic work gets easier so I can just get on with making bank from all my brilliant ideas”?


I used to say that too. I was committed to my personal growth and doing what it took to show up as an unstoppable woman in business but quite honestly… I was tired of the emotional roller coaster that came with doing the deep transformational work.

The truth is it took me many years of working on my core limiting beliefs. Then one day I realized I was done with needing the deeper energetic, transformational work. Sure, things still come up occasionally, but they don’t linger and it’s not a rollercoaster of emotions because I know how to move through it. I don’t get thrown for a loop like I used to.

In fact, when shizz comes up, I embrace it. I move toward it.

It’s my growth edge and I always want to be growing.

So what changed for me?

As I said, I did lots of transformational work on myself.
That was really important and foundational.

But the real lynchpin was when I DECIDED I wasn’t going to indulge ANY thoughts that caused me to spin out and become unproductive or unfocused. I made the CHOICE to have zero tolerance for any of that.

(Scroll down below this post to grab my free Stop Your Spinout Guide. I show you the exact method I used to stop these unproductive thoughts.)

Was that easy to execute? No.
Did it work? Yes.

If you’re done with the emotional rollercoaster and getting emotionally sideswiped by triggers in your life and business and you just want to focus and show up every day as the unstoppable woman that you are… you can.

But first, you have a decision to make… are you or are you not going to indulge the thoughts that send you down the rabbit hole?

The answer to this question is what determines whether it gets easier or not.


What do you need right now in your life?

By Amira Alvarez Growth can be exciting, but sometimes it's also really stressful. So how do you deal with the stress when it arises? That was a recent question in one of our Facebook groups: "I've been going through so much growth and upleveling that I'm even though I'm excited, I'm also stressed…

Growth can be exciting, but sometimes it’s also really stressful. So how do you deal with the stress when it arises? That was a recent question in one of our Facebook groups:

“I’ve been going through so much growth and upleveling that I’m even though I’m excited, I’m also stressed and exhausted. How do I deal with all of this?”

It’s actually quite simple… LOVE WHO YOU ARE, as you are now. Warts and all.

First off, have zero judgment. Zero shame. You’re just tired. You’ve pushed past your limits and you’re tired. All is good. No shame in that. It happens to all of us.

Acceptance is key.

Accept yourself, just as you are.
Love yourself, just as you are.

And most importantly, recalibrate.

Get sleep. Get rest. We all need it, and it’s non-negotiable. On an average, try to get 8 – 9 hours a night. If I slip below this one day, I’m good. But more than that and I start getting irritated, short, frayed, angry, etc.  

Which are all repelling states to growing our business. They make us hugely unproductive and drop our energy into states that aren’t conducive to createing what we want.

Create space and time, and ask yourself: What is it that I need right now?  

A nap? A bath? A good movie? Yoga? Staring at the ceiling? Time alone?

You have to get in the habit and routine of giving yourself what you need, because each time you up level SIGNIFICANTLY you will need to recalibrate. Again and again. It’s an essential and unavoidable part of growth and making your quantum leap.

The sooner you recognize this need and make space for it, the better.

Remember… nothing’s broken. All is good. ;-)


Create a winning attitude

By Amira Alvarez Here's a practice that creates a winning attitude... which leads to big results. It's very simple and easy, but most people ignore it because they think it's too simple and not going to help them. Don't be one of these people. Here's how it works and it's really quite easy...…

Here’s a practice that creates a winning attitude… which leads to big results.

It’s very simple and easy, but most people ignore it because they think it’s too simple and not going to help them. Don’t be one of these people.

Here’s how it works and it’s really quite easy…

You recognize your successes.

So often we skip over our wins, what’s really working, both small and large, and take them for granted. We just move onto the next thing.

This keeps you on the “hamster wheel of never enough”–always going for the next thing without appreciating what you’ve actually achieved and accomplished.

This causes you to get lost in the “grind” of your work. The irony is that this is most likely exactly what you’re trying to avoid.

For most of us, the desire to tick everything off our list, is an attempt to feel good. You think pushing on and pushing hard is going to help you finally feel on top of the world. And sure enough, getting things done does feel pretty awesome.

However, if you rarely look back and appreciate what you have accomplished, you will never experience the flow and ease in your work, during your work, that you want.

Happily, that sense that you can never get ahead, that you’re not doing enough, that you’re behind, and that you must do more or else is actually a mindset that you can turn around quite easily.

You can start with looking back and celebrating your wins. What were your big wins? What were your small wins? Start to appreciate all of them.


PS – In the Business Acceleration Bootcamp we have a simple, but powerful daily practice of celebrating our wins. Join us!

This limiting belief stops your cash flow

By Amira Alvarez I love going to SLEEP with the news that one of my clients enrolled a new client who's life she's going to transform and help... And then WAKING up to the news that another client was able to meet the emergency needs of her client while more than TRIPLING her…

I love going to SLEEP with the news that one of my clients enrolled a new client who’s life she’s going to transform and help…

And then WAKING up to the news that another client was able to meet the emergency needs of her client while more than TRIPLING her rate.

Woohoo! #proudcoach

Yes, I’m happy for them, but beyond that, I am highlighting this today because so many people have limiting beliefs about what SALES means…

Yet they want the freedom and peace of mind that increased cash flow brings.

You can’t have it both ways.

You can’t think sales is an icky, yucky, sleazy, slimy thing AND want to make them. That goes against the way the Universe works.

If you want increased cash flow, guess what?

You want to make sales. (Even if you want to run screaming from the room when I use the word “sales.”)

I know that word “sales” triggers a lot of people, but I’m on a mission to normalize it.

There are so many women who aren’t YET in their power around sales or charging appropriately for their product or service.

What does this do?

It limits your cash flow.

But it also limits your freedom.

Yes, I agree, freedom is a state of mind. You can access it anytime, anywhere, with or without money.

But the money is nice… right?

The money allows you the CHOICE…

To go on any kind of vacation you want.

To buy that new pair of shoes and not worry about it.

To send you kid to college. Heck, to send you kid to dance class.

Money gives you those options. Money gives you that kind of freedom.

It also gives you the means to ACT in the world more fully as you, in an unlimited way.

This is so important to your personal growth and actualization.

What if, when you think of doing something that takes money, you could say yes to yourself?

Instead of shrinking into the “can I afford it?” conversation when you want to purchase something, you expanded into it with a… yeeeessss!!?

So instead of thinking of sales as something to avoid…

What if you could transform your beliefs around it while keeping your integrity?

What if you could learn the small YET impactful tweaks to what you’re doing so you could double or triple your income?

This makes such a difference to your bottom line and to your sense of self.

I am happy to say this happens ALL THE TIME for my clients.

And it’s totally possible for you too! (No exceptions!)


PS: If you want some help with increasing your cash flow without compromising your integrity, Contact me and we can talk about how you can get started right now. Zero pressure. Zero obligation.