Tag Archives: Success

The Voice of the Ambitious Woman

By Amira Alvarez When you’re going for more it’s often hard to listen to your Soul. It doesn’t seem expedient. There are so many other pressing things that need your attention. Why should I go inside? Why should I listen? I certainly don’t have time for this, the story goes. Whether you think…

When you’re going for more it’s often hard to listen to your Soul. It doesn’t seem expedient. There are so many other pressing things that need your attention. Why should I go inside? Why should I listen? I certainly don’t have time for this, the story goes.

Whether you think you have time or you don’t, if you take the time to listen, your Soul will always give you the correct direction. And this clear direction is priceless. 

So how do you do that?

Stop. Get quiet. Listen. 

Seems pretty easy, but what are you listening for?

For me it’s evolved. 

It used to just be a voice or dialogue in my mind that was qualitatively different from the Default Mode Network, that constant chatter in your head.

I started to pay more and more attention to it and it started to come through loud and clear. There was no question about its authority. I always knew it was correct. 

I used to call that the voice of God and I would have my own version of “Conversations With God.” (Thank you Neale Donald Walsch for the inspiration.)

Then I started to meditate.

Almost immediately I noticed a feeling in my body that again was qualitatively different from my normal resting state. 

As I started to pay attention and listen to that feeling more and more, I started loving it. Literally sending it love. As I did so, the energy became stronger and stronger and my connection to Spirit has grown exponentially since.

The result?

Now that voice and that feeling speak as one. 

Together the result is a channeling of Spirit. 

This morning it gave me guidance on what to say to a client in need, it directed me on the content of this newsletter, it showed me the difference between illusion and reality and how to stop creating the illusion.

So what does this have to do with anything important to you?

Having access to this power and knowing how to build this connection, is your birthright as well.

It clarifies the path. 
It provides the net.
It removes uncertainty. 

And yet often for ambitious, driven women, we suppress our access to this, thinking that we have to do it all on our own.

Certainly we won’t abdicate our responsibility or the action that is ours to take BUT this connection to Spirit makes your work so much easier.

Your job now is to build your connection to it. Start with what I’ve written above and keep your eyes open for our upcoming (2024) Exquisite Life Plan Event where I will be teaching you the methodology for accessing this… and so much more!

Want to experience more as an Unstoppable Woman?

Be sure to check out the Unstoppable Women podcast. If you’re ready to grow a life and business you love, schedule a call to discuss how we can help you step into your next level of growth.  

Order, Beauty, and Success: Lessons from David Beckham

By Amira Alvarez Last night I wrapped up the Netflix documentary on David Beckham. It was soooo good!  I love learning about successful people’s paths and although there’s so much to muse about in this documentary, I want to focus on Beckham’s seeming obsession with order in his environment… from the meticulous way…

Last night I wrapped up the Netflix documentary on David Beckham. It was soooo good! 

I love learning about successful people’s paths and although there’s so much to muse about in this documentary, I want to focus on Beckham’s seeming obsession with order in his environment… from the meticulous way he keeps his kitchen to the order of his clothes in his closet.

One might say it’s slightly OCD or that he has too much time on his hands, but I imagine that this level of order creates so much visual beauty that it helps quiet his mind. 

I know that seeing how he folded, stacked, and arranged his t-shirts made my heart smile and calmed my nervous system right down. Ahhhhh…

As someone who loves a clean and ordered house… who organizes her closet by both type of clothing and color… who likes her shoes all facing the same way… you get the idea…it’s peaceful and easy on my eyes… I totally relate.   

Order creates so much beauty and beauty is a type of order.

But watching someone err on the side of compulsion made me muse…

Is there such a thing as too much order? 

And further… I wonder what the closets of the über successful are like???

I can’t imagine anyone who is truly on the top of their game having a disordered environment.

So does order create success or are the successful naturally ordered? 

Clearly, an OCD compulsion for order alone doesn’t create success. But a disordered environment and disordered thinking certainly creates friction that gets in the way of success in both life and business.

So what’s the lesson from Beckham’s meticulousness?

No, it’s not to be OCD about everything in life. 

The lesson is to find the order that creates beauty and flow in your life and build on that. Not so much that it constrains your flow but enough to give structure to it.

Order in your relationships, management, parenting, time, food, health, love… and yes, your closet. ;-) 

Create that order and watch your peace, ease, and success increase.

Want to experience more as an Unstoppable Woman?

Be sure to check out the Unstoppable Women podcast. If you’re ready to grow a life and business you love, schedule a call to discuss how we can help you step into your next level of growth.  

The cocktail of business and emotions

By Amira Alvarez Sometimes our feelings are overwhelming. They come on strong and knock you to your knees. From clients to friends, this week I saw such bright, formidable women in tears. These are women running exceptional businesses–they are strong, ambitious, juggling all the things. And yet when the feelings come, they can’t…

Sometimes our feelings are overwhelming. They come on strong and knock you to your knees.

From clients to friends, this week I saw such bright, formidable women in tears.

These are women running exceptional businesses–they are strong, ambitious, juggling all the things.

And yet when the feelings come, they can’t be suppressed… even if that would be much more convenient.

Sure, we can set them aside or compartmentalize for a period.

I know I have. 

And yet if you don’t attend to them, that’s when all hell breaks loose. 

Rash decisions, meltdowns, losing your temper.

Or the inability to make decisions, a ‘what’s the point’ attitude, or full-blown depression.

It can get ugly. It can be a spiral of negativity.

Because your feelings will have their say, one way or another. 

They will absolutely do whatever is necessary to get your attention.

Because they need your attention. There is something important that they have for you.

Think about it… why would we have feelings if they didn’t serve an important purpose?

Nothing is random. We don’t live in a random universe. 

So despite them coming up at inconvenient times, they are not the enemy.

So how do you deal with your feelings when you’re running a major business and it’s just not the time for a major meltdown?

That’s a really good question. Today I’d like to share ONE of the things I do. 

It’s a process that once you get good at, takes all of 2 minutes. Sometimes it’s even shorter than that.

I taught it to the women in the Spirit of Wealth this past week, taking them through an in real time, actual lived experience of using this. 

I love these moments because theoretical book-learning only takes us so far. We actually learn on the field of play. That’s where it gets deeply embedded and rewired for us.

Here’s a brief recap of what I shared with them…

If you’re all good right now, listen anyway. You’ll have it for when you need it.

If there’s a feeling that’s pulling at you, needing attention, please use this process now. Maybe a few times. 

It’s a practice that starts now. 

What’s Your Phoenix Rising?

By Amira Alvarez What does it mean to reinvent yourself? Especially if you kind of like yourself… a lot…already? Do you have to burn it all down and like the Phoenix, rise up again from the ashes? Or is there another way to call forth the next iteration of you, your life, and…

What does it mean to reinvent yourself?

Especially if you kind of like yourself… a lot…already?

Do you have to burn it all down and like the Phoenix, rise up again from the ashes?

Or is there another way to call forth the next iteration of you, your life, and your business? 

To be honest, I’m constantly assessing and calling forth more. That’s what I live and breathe. Change is something I’m used to and crave. I’m certainly not afraid of change. You too?

But there are times when what needs to come forward feels bigger than the regular iteration of personal and business growth. It feels closer to a tectonic shift.

A shift that’s ready to rock you to your core. And you can FEEL it.

There are days, even months, when you try to look away and ignore it, and go on like business as usual. 

Because quite frankly it feels like a lot to manage. It would be so much easier to pretend you didn’t feel the call.

But when the call is made, the call is made. 

When your soul will no longer be ignored… there will be a rebirth. That’s for sure!

This is what I’ve been going through… for months… and months.

It’s been both frustrating and delightful.

The frustration has come because…

  • I’ve simply wanted to know the answer, even before I was truly prepared to receive it. Granted, patience has always been a challenge for me. But when it takes months upon months of leaning in… I was definitely tested. A lot of meditation helps
  • I’ve wanted to know the answer before I’ve walked the path. This is classic. Wanting to have certainty before taking action. There’s no such thing. You have to become more to have more. You must walk the path. F&*k!!!!
  • I wanted it to be easier BUT I was totally resisting. I was not listening to my Team. I was not listening to myself. And I was not listening to my SOUL. Ouch! But that’s the truth. Got to admit it. The “ego me” had her heels dug in resisting the call, denying the ease that was right there for me if I just said YES.

On the delightful front… 

  • I’ve said YES. This feels so good. I’ve handed over the reins of implementation to my über competent Team, which of course includes my soul 😉, and stepped into open-hearted trust.  The adventure begins!
  • I picked the theme Phoenix Rising for the upcoming Spirit of Wealth retreat months ago… long before I recognized that I myself was in a full rebirth journey. 🤪 How beautiful and delightful is that? I love it when things just work out.
  • I’ve gone from frustrated to excited. Game on for the next level of manifestation. 

But to go back to the beginning of this missive and answer the questions… What does it mean to reinvent yourself? Do you have to burn it all down and like the Phoenix, rise up again from the ashes?

What I’ve learned in this journey is that no… it doesn’t mean that you have to burn it ALL down. But YES there will be aspects of who you are and what you’re doing that you will need to let go of. 

This is the Law of Sacrifice… you must let go of something of a lower nature to let in something of a higher nature.

Including, often, what you find near and dear, whether in business or in life.

The bigger the sacrifice the scarier it will be… until you LEAP! 

I’ve lept. Will you?

Is there something that you feel needs to dramatically change in your life or business? 

Are you primed for reinvention but the clarity hasn’t come into focus?

With a little more clarity, would you have the hutzpah to leap?


Then join us at Phoenix Rising where I walk you through… 

How to let go of what needs to be released…

How to become more of WHO you are to receive more of WHAT you want, and…

How to create an expanded version of an already great life and business.

I’ll share both my Phoenix Rising process with you, my personal journey AND the outcome of it. 

It will be a surprise that won’t surprise you…. Because everything one steps into is actually the obvious next step.

What will it be for you?

Note => If you’re in Colorado, or want to get yourself there, and join our Spirit of Wealth program and this Phoenix Rising event Oct 6th-8th, please click here to apply to the program and have a call with me. 

Although last minute, and clearly time is of the essence, we thought for the right woman, who’s craving a community of powerful female entrepreneurs and is willing and ready to make a leap, we ought to extend this offer. 

The work we’ll do will be deep. 
It won’t be for the faint of heart.
You will need to go all-in.

But the result? REINVENTION.

So if it’s your time to either change up your life or take your business to the next level this is an invitation, because we wouldn’t want you to miss out. We’re just days away. Click here to go through our application process. Let’s discover what your Phoenix Rising is going to be.

The Secret to Getting What You Want

By Amira Alvarez Have you ever written a manifestation list? Where you just let it rip and write it all down?  It feels sooooo good… especially if you don’t censor or edit. In fact, that defeats the purpose. The whole idea is to fully express everything that you want without holding back. You…

Have you ever written a manifestation list?

Where you just let it rip and write it all down? 

It feels sooooo good… especially if you don’t censor or edit.

In fact, that defeats the purpose.

The whole idea is to fully express everything that you want without holding back.

You start and you don’t stop until you can’t think of anything else you want. Not one thing is left off your list.

The Manifestation List is the first step in actualizing your truth, your fully actualized exquisite life. Not the ‘almost amazing’ life. But the one that’s truly divine. The one that you know you were put here to live.

I did this again recently and I wrote out over 4 pages of desires! 

The desires just kept coming. 

Some of them were small, some of them large.
Some of them were material things, some of them feelings or experiences.
Some of them were desires that were only vaguely conscious previously, some of them completely unknown until they came onto the page and surprised me.

I’m not afraid of desire. 

Whether I’m desiring something for my business or about love, relationships, the esoteric, etc… 

I don’t get spun out thinking… I couldn’t possibly have that. 

I don’t worry… What if it doesn’t happen? Will I be crushed by the disappointment?

I don’t think… I don’t see the way to that, it must not be here for me.

I don’t ask myself… Is it wrong to desire more?

And most of all…

I don’t say… I’m not worthy of it.

I just claim what I want. 

I’ve been doing this for years, for both the business and the personal life. 

And it works to create what you desire with so much ease and grace. 

By no means is it the end of the manifestation process. There’s so much more to creating an exquisite life than just a list. 

But this list? 

It’s a powerful beginning.

After that there are many additional steps I take. More on that soon enough… 

But for today… Will you do this first step? Will you join me in just letting your desires run free?

Are you willing to give this a shot? 

Sit down, pen to paper, and simply start writing.

Don’t censor. Don’t edit. Don’t go down the brainstorming rabbit hole.

Simply write.

It’s an act of self-love.

If you meditate, you could start with that. Even just a couple of minutes to come back into connection with your true self and Source works. Take a few presenting breaths and reconnect to your body and this present moment.

Then start writing.

What do you want? 

Remember: Desire is Causative. Let it lead the way.

Is your work manipulating you?

By Amira Alvarez “Shouldn’t I be satisfied?”… you tell yourself.  And yet you’re not. There’s something gnawing at you, deep underneath the surface of all the tasks. There’s clearly more that you desire.  You know that what you want is bigger than simply picking your next revenue goal.  Maybe it’s more spaciousness that…

“Shouldn’t I be satisfied?”… you tell yourself. 

And yet you’re not.

There’s something gnawing at you, deep underneath the surface of all the tasks.

There’s clearly more that you desire. 

You know that what you want is bigger than simply picking your next revenue goal. 

Maybe it’s more spaciousness that you want…? 

Maybe it’s a deeper love…? 

Maybe it’s a more meaningful life…?

Whatever it is that you truly want, the truth is… you’ll never find it if you keep distracting yourself with work… no matter how important that work is.

Work, for the Achiever, is the master manipulator. 

It seduces you into avoidance by giving you the gifts of success. 

When we accomplish something, we get that “hit” that says “woohoo, success!”

We get the appreciation, accolades, status, and financial remuneration.

All gifts. All great things.

But what if, while in pursuit of your next hit of success, work is keeping you from manifesting your deepest yearnings?

Work is the best form of distraction. The. Very. Best.

It’s required and therefore justifiable.
It proves that you’re needed.
It shows that you excel.
It demonstrates your brilliance.
And you’re really good at it.

Plus you get lots of kudos for it and the success that it often creates. What’s not to love about that status and those accolades?

Those were hard won, so we’re definitely not going to diminish them.

And yet… 

There’s got to be a different way to live life… one that allows you to create an exquisite life of beauty, truth, love, meaning, and success… without having to prove yourself all the time.

It’s time to stop running and start receiving so much more from life. 

Stay tuned for more on The Exquisite Life Plan.